SafeGel red stain für die DNA Elektrophorese

Artikel-Nr.: M3193.0500

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SafeGel red stain ist ein äußert sensitiver Fluoreszenzfarbstoff zum Färben von Nukleinsäuren,... mehr
Produktinformationen "SafeGel red stain für die DNA Elektrophorese"

SafeGel red stain ist ein äußert sensitiver Fluoreszenzfarbstoff zum Färben von Nukleinsäuren, der das toxische, keimbahnmutagene Ethidiumbromid (EtBr) zum Färben von dsDNA, ssDNA oder RNA in Agarose- oder Polyacrylamidgelen ersetzt. SafeGel red stain ist viel empfindlicher als EtBr, ohne dass ein Entfärbeschritt benötigt wird. SafeGel red stain ist weniger toxisch und weniger mutagen als EtBr wobei beide praktisch dasselbe UV-Spektrum zeigen, so dass man EtBr direkt ersetzen kann, ohne existierende Imagingsysteme ersetzen zu müssen. SafeGel red stain kann dazu benutzt werden, dsDNA, ssDNA oder RNA mittels pre-staining oder post-staining in Agarosegelen > zu färben. PAGE-Gele können nur mit dem post-staining Verfahren angefärbt werden. SafeGel red stain stört auch eine weitergehende Verarbeitung der DNA, wie Restriktionverdaus, Southernblots oder Klonierungen nicht.

Die Ergebnisse des Ames-Tests bestätigen, dass der Farbstoff für Latexhandschuhe und Zellmembranen undurchdringlich ist. Bei Verwendung der empfohlenen Arbeitskonzentrationen bei der Gelfärbung ist der rote Gelfarbstoff nachweislich nicht in der Lage, Zellmembranen zu durchdringen, und er ist bei Arbeitskonzentrationen nicht zytotoxisch und nicht mutagen.

Eine Serie von Sicherheitstests hat gezeigt, dass SafeGel red stain bei Verwendung der empfohlenen Arbeitskonzentrationen hinaus nicht giftig, nicht mutagen und nicht gefährlich ist. Als ein Resultat daraus kann der Fluoreszenzfarbstoff mit dem normalen Abfall entsorgt werden und spart damit neben dem separaten Handling des EtBr-Abfalls auch noch merklich an Entsorgungskosten. Der Fluoreszenzfarbstoff SafeGel red stain wird als 10,000X Lösung in Wasser geliefert. Diese Lösung kann direkt zum post-staining eingesetzt werden. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die besten Ergebnisse erzielt werden, wenn der Farbstoff direkt mit der DNA in den Gelslot pipettiert wird.

Lesen Sie auch in unserem Blogbeitrag, warum Sie jetzt Genaxxons SafeGel testen sollten.

Für erstklassige Agarosegele bieten wir unsere Standard Agarose LE > , oder auch unsere Spezialagarosen mit hoher Auflösung Tiny (M3046) > , Tiny LMH (M3048) > oder Tiny HT (M3047) > an.

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Weitere Artikel passend zu "SafeGel red stain für die DNA Elektrophorese"
Unser Kommentar zu "SafeGel red stain für die DNA Elektrophorese"
- Safer than EtBr: Shown by Ames test and other tests to be nonmutagenic and noncytotoxic.- Easy disposal: Passed environmental safety tests for direct disposal down the drain or in regular trash.- Ultra-sensitive: Much more sensitive than EtBr and ethidium bromide alternative SYBR® Safe.- Extremely stable: Stable at room temperature for long-term storage.- Compatible with standard UV transilluminator or visible light gel reader: SafeGel replaces EtBr with no optical setting change.
Specifications: 10000 times concentrated solution in water. can be used with a standard... mehr

Technische Daten:

10000 times concentrated solution in water.
can be used with a standard transilluminator (254nm to 366nm)
no changes in optical settings compared to Ethidium bromide

SafeGel can also be used to stain dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA however SafeGel is twice as sensitive to dsDNA than ssDNA or RNA.


for staining of DNA and RNA in agarose and PAGE gels. Even usable for small RNAs.

Sicherheits Hinweise / Safety

Klassifizierungen / Classification

eclass-Nr: 32-16-04-03
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Fragen & Antworten zum Artikel ... mehr
Can I use the same filters and camera settings for gels with SafeGel as for EtBr?
Yes, you can use the same filters and camera settings of your imaging system for SafeGel as for gels with EtBr. Please note the emission spectra of SafeGel for specific wavelengths. SafeGel and EtBr have virtually the same emmision spectrum, so you can replace EtBr directly with SafeGel without having to change your existing imaging system.
How sensitive is SafeGel?
SafeGel is far more sensitive than EB without requiring a destaining step.
How stable is SafeGel?
SafeGel is available as a 10000X aqueous solution. It is stable at room temperature (+15 °C to +30 °C) for long-term storage. It can be microwaved but this is not recommended.
How to dispose SafeGel?
Since SafeGel is non-toxic, non-mutagenic and non-hazardous when used at the recommended working concentration, it can be easily disposed of with normal waste. Separate handling of the waste as with EtBr is therefore not necessary. If necessary, obtain information from your local waste disposal company.
How should SafeGel be stored?
SafeGel should be stored at room temperature (+15 °C to +30 °C) protected from light.
How should SafeGel be used?
SafeGel is used for pre- and post-staining of agarose gels. We recommend using SafeGel in an in-slot application for best results.
Can SafeGel also be used for polyacrylamide gels?
Yes, SafeGel can also be used to stain dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA in polyacrylamide gels in the post-staining protocol.
Can SafeGel also be used for formaldehyde, DGGE, EMSA or PFGE gels?
Yes, SafeGel can be used for formaldehyde gels for staining RNA in the precast-staining protocol. For DGGE, EMSA and PFGE gels we recommend the post-staining protocol.
Is an additional loading buffer needed when using SafeGel?
Yes, an additional loading buffer is needed. We routinely use 6X loading buffer containing 15% glycerol, 7.5% Ficoll 400, 0.05% Bromophenol Blue. In internal testing 6X loading buffer containing 0.1% Orange G produced good results in precast and post-stained gels. SDS in loading buffer may contribute to band smearing in precast SafeGel gels. If this occurs, we recommend using the post-staining protocol.
Does SafeGel red stain need to be used in the dark?
No, you can use the dye in room light; however, we recommend storing the dye in the dark.
How should I dilute SafeGel red stain for an in-slot application?
We recommend in-slot application with a 20X SafeGel red stain sample mix.
What is the lower detection limit of SafeGel red stain?
Some users have reported being able to detect less than 0.1ng DNA. However, the limit of detection will depend on instrument capability and exposure settings.
What is the binding mechanism of SafeGel red stain?
SafeGel red stain most likely binds by a combination of intercalation and electrostatic interaction.
What is the chemical structure of SafeGel red stain?
The chemical structure of SafeGel red stain is proprietary.
Can SafeGel red stain be removed from the DNA again?
Yes, SafeGel red stain may be removed from DNA by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.
Is SafeGel red stain compatible with downstream DNA applications?
Yes, SafeGel red stain is compatible with downstream DNA applications such as cloning, ligation and sequencing. We recommend gel extraction kits, Exo-Sap protocol or phenol-chloroform extraction to remove the dye from DNA. Some users have reported performing PCR on DNA in the presence of SafeGel red stain with no purification step.
Can SafeGel red stain be used in cesium chloride gradients?
Yes, customer have reported using SafeGel red stain in cesium gradients. To extract SafeGel red stain from DNA after cesium banding, we recommend adding SDS to a final concentration of 0.1% before butanol extraction. Alternatively, chloroform can be used instead of butanol for extraction.
Is SafeGel red stain compatible with Southern or northern blotting?
Yes, SafeGel red stain can be used for blotting. We recommend using the post-staining protocol for blotting applications.
Can I reuse SafeGel red stain pre-cast gel after electrophoresis?
Yes, it is possible, but we do not recommend reusing SafeGel red stain pre-cast gels as signal decreases with subsequent electrophoresis.
SafeGel red stain is precipitated in the solution. Can SafeGel red stain still be used?
Dye precipitation may occur at lower temperatures (winter times), resulting in lower signal or the appearance of precipitate on the surface of the gel. If this occurs, heat the solution to 45-50°C for two minutes and vortex.
I accidentally left my SafeGel red stain in the light. Will it still work?
While we recommend that you protect the dye from light during long term storage, we have had customers report using SafeGel red stain with success after accidentally leaving it in ambient light for more than one month.
I have smeared DNA bands in the gel. What can I do?
1. Reduce the amount of DNA loaded by one-half to one-third. Blown out or smeared bands can be caused by overloading. This is frequently observed with DNA ladders. 2. Perform post-staining instead of pre-casting. 3. Pour a lower percentage agarose gel for better resolution of large fragments. 4. Change the running buffer. TBE buffer has a higher buffering capacity than TAE. 5. Loading buffers containing SDS may contribute to band smearing. If this occurs, use the post-staining protocol for applications requiring SDS-containing loading buffers.
I have a discrepant DNA migration in pre-cast gel. What can I do?
SafeGel red stain is designed to be larger than other dyes to prevent it from entering cells, thus rendering the dye safer. The migration of DNA may be affected depending on the dye:DNA ratio. 1. Reduce the amount of DNA loaded by on-half to one-third. 2. Reduce the amount of dye used, i.e., use 0.5X in pre-cast gels. 3. Post-stain the gel in 3X SafeGel red stain to avoid any interference the dye may have on migration during electrophoresis.
I observe a weak fluorescence, decreased dye performance over time, or film of dye remains on gel after post-staining. What can I do?
The dye may have precipitated out of solution. 1. Heat SafeGel red stain solution to 45-50°C for two minutes and vortex to redissolve. 2. Store dye at room temperature to avoid precipitation.