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FAST HotStart DNA polymerase

Vorteile im Überblick

  • Hochwertige Produkte
  • Kundenspezifische Lösungen
  • Persönlicher Kontakt
  • Schneller Service
  • Kompetenter technischer Support +49(0)731-3608-123

580,25 €*

Versandfertig in 1 Tag, Lieferzeit 20 days

Produktnummer: M3287.1250
Lieferzeit 20 Tage

Shipment: on wet ice. Store at -20°C. For laboratory usage only!
Lieferzeit 20 days
Produktinformationen "FAST HotStart DNA polymerase"

Genaxxon’s FAST HotStart DNA polymerase is a robust enzyme with a hotstart function, ideally suited for applications like genotyping and screening, amplifying with extreme speed of up to 2 seconds per 1kb, as well as high yield and consistency. PCR products generated with this enzyme are A-tailed and can thus be cloned into TA cloning vectors. The extreme speed of Genaxxon’s FAST HotStart DNA polymerase allows the use of an extension rate of 4-8 kb/min. The buffer composition has been optimized via high-throughput screening and makes the enzyme particularly resistant to PCR inhibitors. Therefore, Genaxxon’s FAST HotStart DNA polymerase is suitable for direct PCR from unpurified samples, including blood, urine, and bacterial colonies, making this the ideal choice for consistent results in fast complex PCR amplifications.

Genaxxon's FAST HotStart DNA polymerase is also available as a convenient 2x master mix (M3288 >), including an inert red tracking dye for electrophoresis, containing all required components for fast PCR, except specific primers. 

Concentration: 5 units/µL
Extension rate: up to 30 kb/min. at 72°C
Amplicon size: Up to 5kb
Hotstart function: Yes
5’-3’ exonuclease activity: Yes
Extra addition of A: Yes
3’-5’ exonuclease activity: No
Nuclease contamination: No
Protease contamination: No
RNase contamination: No

Applikation / Application:
Direct PCR, fast amplification of complex targets (including GC-rich and AT-rich templates), colony PCR, multiplex PCR

Einheiten / Units:
Quelle / Source:
recombinant, purified from E.coli

Sicherheits Hinweise / Safety

Klassifizierungen / Classification

eclass-Nr: 32-16-05-02
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Hier finden Sie Artikel und Literaturzitate, in denen die Autoren auf die hohe Qualität dieses Genaxxonprodukts vertrauen.
Quelle: NCBI PubMed

2 seconds extention time for targets below 1 kb and 15 seconds per kb for target DNA up to 5kb at 72ºC for extension.