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Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG)

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Product number: M3096.0200
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Product information "Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG)"

Uracil DNA Glycosylase (UDG), also called uracil N-glycosylase (UNG), catalyzes the release of uracil from uracil-containing DNA. The UDG/UNG from Genaxxon is a highly purified, recombinant enzyme isolated from E. coli with a mass of 26 kDa. UDG efficiently hydrolyzes single- and double-stranded DNA containing uracil, except for oligomers with 6 or fewer bases. Therefore, uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) is used wherever it is necessary to avoid the risk of DNA carryover (contamination) during PCR.

In order to be able to hydrolyze DNA by UDG/UNG you do need dUTP > in your PCR reactions.

Storage buffer:

  • 20mM Tris
  • HCl (pH 8.0)
  • 50mM NaCl
  • 0.1mM EDTA
  • 50% Glycerin

Reaction buffer (1X):

  • 20 mM Tris
  • HCl (pH 8.0)
  • 1 mM EDTA
In general, the polymerase stops replication at the abasic site. However, because the polymerase would always start replication if there is a primer binding site with an annealed primer, there is a possibility of getting some kind of "amplification". If the primer binding site contains a T, the UDG would cut the uracil and thus damage the primer binding site. If the primer binding site is still intact (because it does not contain a T), the polymerase could indeed replicate the DNA strand to the next abasic site. However, because there is no complementary strand, the amplification would not be exponential but more or less linear.

Activity: 10 units/µL.

delivered in storage buffer: 20mM Tris, HCl (pH 8.0), 50mM NaCl, 0.1mM EDTA, 50% glycerol

Applikation / Application:
for prevention of carry over of DNA in PCR

Einheiten / Units:
One unit of activity is defined as the amount of enzyme required to release 60 pmol of uracil per minute from double-stranded, uracil containing DNA.

Quelle / Source:

Sicherheits Hinweise / Safety

Klassifizierungen / Classification

eclass-Nr: 32-16-04-10
Documents - Protocols - Downloads :
Here you will find information and further literature. For further documents (certificates with additional lot numbers, safety data sheets in other languages, further product information) please contact Genaxxon biosience at: info@genaxxon.com or phone: +49 731 3608 123.


Safety Data Sheet
Listed below are articles and references, in which the authors trust in the high quality of this Genaxxon product.
Source: NCBI PubMed