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GNX Food Probe qPCR MasterMix 2X

Advantages at a glance

  • Unrivalled sensitivity for demanding applications 
  • Detection of low copy number targets  
  • Sensitive detection for reliable quantification of limited genetic targets 
  • Stable mix for high throughput handling

  • €154.40*

    Product number: M3048.0100
    Delivery time: 3- 8 working days
    For detailed information on the delivery date, please contact Genaxxon.

    Shipment: on wet ice. Store at -20°C. For laboratory usage only!
    Product information "GNX Food Probe qPCR MasterMix 2X"

    The Genaxxon GNX Food Probe qPCR MasterMix 2X enables precise real-time PCR-based analysis of environmental, food and other difficult samples that may contain high levels of inhibitors.

    The Master Mix can be used to reliably analyse and quantify challenging applications such as the detection of low copy number templates, multiplex PCR or the sensitive detection of quantity and number limited genetic targets.


    • Customised for quantitative real-time PCR
    • Unrivalled sensitivity for demanding applications
    • Detection of low copy number targets 
    • Sensitive detection for reliable quantification of limited genetic targets
    • Stable mix for high throughput handling
    • Optimised formulation for unparalleled performance

    The Genaxxon SuperHot Taq DNA polymerase offers convenience and practicality, without compromising efficiency or specificity:

    1. The chemical modification inhibits the polymerase, which prevents false priming at all temperatures tested, allowing for PCR reactions to be set up at RT (20°C to 25°C), and 
    2. "High mix stability allows pre-assemby of the plate in advance", which means PCR reactions can be prepared and stored at RT for up to three days before they are run, without affecting the results.

    The Probe qPCR master mix without ROX contains all the necessary components in an optimized composition to carry out quantitative PCR.

    • chemically modified Taq DNA Polymerase
    • dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP
    • optimized reaction buffer
    • stabilizers and enhancers to enable even amplification of low copy number targets
    • the small aliquote size of 1.25mL simplifies handling and storage (less freeze-thaw cycles per aliquote)

    Stability at +2°C to +8°C (refrigerator): minimum of 8 months.

    This Mastermix is specially suited for the following instruments: BioRad CFX96 Touch™, CFX384 Touch™, CFX Connect™, DNA Engine Opticon® 2, Chromo4™, iCycler iQ™ and My iQ™ , Roche LightCycler® 480, LightCycler® 1536, LightCycler® Nano, LightCycler® 96 and QuantStudio™ instruments, Thermo Scientific™ PikoReal™, Cepheid SmartCycler®, Bio Molecular Systems Mic qPCR cycler, Qiagen Rotor Gene Q, Rotor Gene 6000, MyGo Mini and MyGo Pro.

    Further realtime PCR Mastermixes and realtime FAST PCR Mastermixes can be found here: qPCR (Classic qPCR > or FAST and Multiplex qPCR >).

    This ProbeMastermix is a ready-to-use 2-time master mix that contains no ROX™.

    Aliquot size: 1mL. This master mix is stable for at least 8 months at +2°C to +8°C.

    Applikation / Application:
    qPCR from food and diary derived samples

    Einheiten / Units:
    Quelle / Source:

    Sicherheits Hinweise / Safety

    Klassifizierungen / Classification

    eclass-Nr: 32-16-05-02
    Documents - Protocols - Downloads :
    Here you will find information and further literature. For further documents (certificates with additional lot numbers, safety data sheets in other languages, further product information) please contact Genaxxon biosience at: info@genaxxon.com or phone: +49 731 3608 123.


    Listed below are articles and references, in which the authors trust in the high quality of this Genaxxon product.
    Source: NCBI PubMed