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0.25% Trypsin in PBS with 0.02% EDTA

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Product number: C4267.0500
Delivery time: 3- 8 working days
For detailed information on the delivery date, please contact Genaxxon.

Shipment: on wet ice. Store at -20°C. For laboratory usage only!
Product information "0.25% Trypsin in PBS with 0.02% EDTA"

Trypsin is a mixture of proteases isolated from porcine pancreas. 0.25% Trypsin is produced by dilution of Trypsin in PBS. Due to its protease activities, trypsin solutions are widely used for cell dissociation, routine cell culture passaging, or primary tissue dissociation. The trypsin concentration required for dissociation varies with cell type and experimental requirements. For this Genaxxon offers a variety of different Trypsin solutions with and without EDTA.

Activity of the used Trypsin: 1g of Trypsin digests 250g of Casein substrate.

Minimal order size: 5 x C4267.0100 (100mL) or 2 x C4267.0500 (500mL).

0.25% Trypsin in PBS
with 0.02% EDTA
without Ca2+ and Mg2+
without Phenol red
mycoplasma tested

sterile filtered solution for use in cell culture

Applikation / Application:
enzyme for cell dissociation and for hydrolytic degradation of proteins and peptides

Einheiten / Units:
1 unit catalyses the hydrolysis of 1 µmol N-a-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester (BAEE) per minute at 25°C, pH 8.0.

Quelle / Source:

Sicherheits Hinweise / Safety

Klassifizierungen / Classification

eclass-Nr: 32-19-90-90
Documents - Protocols - Downloads :
Here you will find information and further literature. For further documents (certificates with additional lot numbers, safety data sheets in other languages, further product information) please contact Genaxxon biosience at: info@genaxxon.com or phone: +49 731 3608 123.


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Listed below are articles and references, in which the authors trust in the high quality of this Genaxxon product.
Source: NCBI PubMed