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IdentityPlant 2X Master Mix for direct PCR from plants

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Product number: M3086.0500
Delivery time: 3- 8 working days
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Product information "IdentityPlant 2X Master Mix for direct PCR from plants"

Direct PCR amplification from plant parts (leaves, stem, roots) without the need for prior DNA isolation or DNA purification!

The Genaxxon bioscience IdentityPlant 2X Mastermix contains an optimized polymerase that is highly resistant to PCR inhibitors. This master mix is delivered with lysis buffer.

- The polymerase that is used in our IdentityPlant master mix has been specifically optimized to tolerate a variety of PCR inhibitors that otherwise prevent direct PCR from plant.
- The IdentityPlant 2X master mix ensures reproducible results, and significantly reduces set-up times and the risk of pipetting errors.

NOTE: Due to the use of the specifically engineered Hotstart DNA polymerase and the specific buffer used for the IdentityPlant 2X PCR master mix the use of protocols typically already established in the laboratory is highly likely to result in reaction failure as buffer compositions are different from that used before.

Additional PCR master mixes can be found here: qPCR/realtime master mixes > and Standard PCR master mixes >.

2-time master mix for direct PCR from plant material (leaves, stem, roots)
1mL is sufficient for 80 x 25µL PCRs.

1mL of 2X master mix

Applikation / Application:
Einheiten / Units:
One unit of the Identity PCR DNA polymerase is defined as the amount of enzyme that incorporates 10nmol of dNTPs into acid-insoluble fraction in 30 minutes at 72°C under standard assay conditions.

Quelle / Source:

Sicherheits Hinweise / Safety

Klassifizierungen / Classification

eclass-Nr: 32-16-05-02
Documents - Protocols - Downloads :
Here you will find information and further literature. For further documents (certificates with additional lot numbers, safety data sheets in other languages, further product information) please contact Genaxxon biosience at: info@genaxxon.com or phone: +49 731 3608 123.


Listed below are articles and references, in which the authors trust in the high quality of this Genaxxon product.
Source: NCBI PubMed