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Product number: P2589.9505
Delivery time: 3- 8 working days
For detailed information on the delivery date, please contact Genaxxon.

Shipment: not cooled. Store at -20°C. For laboratory usage only!
Product information "Ac-ACTH (1-17), human Ac-SYSMEHFRWGKPVGKKR"

Ac-ACTH (1-17), human Ac-SYSMEHFRWGKPVGKKR is a synthetic peptide according to the first 17 amino acids of the human hormone ACTH/Adrenocorticotropic hormone. Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex. More specifically, it stimulates secretion of glucocorticoids such as cortisol, and has little control over secretion of aldosterone, the other major steroid hormone from the adrenal cortex. Stimulates secretion of adrenal corticosteroids and induces growth of adrenal cortex. ACTH also called Tetracosactide directly activates G-proteins. It is also a stimulator of adenylate cyclase and cAMP formation.

Purity: >95% (HPLC, 214nm)
Appearance: lyophilized white powder

Applikation / Application:
Einheiten / Units:
Quelle / Source:

Sicherheits Hinweise / Safety

Klassifizierungen / Classification

eclass-Nr: 32-16-04-09
Documents - Protocols - Downloads :
Here you will find information and further literature. For further documents (certificates with additional lot numbers, safety data sheets in other languages, further product information) please contact Genaxxon biosience at: info@genaxxon.com or phone: +49 731 3608 123.


General Data 1
Listed below are articles and references, in which the authors trust in the high quality of this Genaxxon product.
Source: NCBI PubMed