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DNA Purification
Genaxxon offers a broad range of DNA extraction and purification kits. Among these are the Universal Genomic DNA Purification Kit, Cell/Blood Genomic DNA Purification Kit, Tissue Genomic DNA Purification Kit, Gel extraction Kit, a combined PCR and Gel extraction Kit, PCR DNA Purification Kit, Plasmid Midi DNA Purification Kit, Plasmid Midi Endotoxin-free DNA Purification Kit, or the Plasmid PLUS DNA Purification Miniprep Kit.
Besides these DNA purification kits, Genaxxon offers also kits for the purification of RNA > or Proteins and peptides >.
Genomic DNA Purification Kit - Tissue
The Genomic DNA Purification Kit - Tissue is specially designed for fast and convenient isolation of highest quality genomic DNA from animal tissue. Yield: up to 50µg DNA. Yields are depending on applied material. Genaxxon's technology guarantees easy handling, low hands-on time, extremely high yields and high quality standards. The high binding capacities of Genaxxon matrices allow the passage of even highly viscous extracts without retention and the isolation of unmet quantities of DNA. This kit includes the enzymes Proteinase K and RNase A. Genaxxon also offers the kit without the enzymes (GS5379).Other DNA purification kits for the isolation of DNA from different sample types, tissue and organismns are also available from Genaxxon. GS5380 > (PCR and Gel extraction Mini Prep Kit) - GS5369 > (Plasmid DNA Mini Purification Kit) or GS5370 > (Genomic DNA Purification Kit - Blood/Cell culture).
You can also buy separate PCR DNA purification columns (TS5313 >) which can be used for Genaxxon´s kits or for these of competitors!
Genomic DNA Purification Kit - Tissue - without enzymes
The Genomic DNA Purification Kit - Tissue is specially designed for fast and convenient isolation of highest quality genomic DNA from animal tissue. Yield: up to 50µg DNA. Yields are depending on applied material. Genaxxon's technology guarantees easy handling, low hands-on time, extremely high yields and high quality standards. The high binding capacities of Genaxxon matrices allow the passage of even highly viscous extracts without retention and the isolation of unmet quantities of DNA. This kit DOES NOT include the enzymes Proteinase K and RNase A. Genaxxon also offers the kit with the enzymes (GS5378).Other DNA purification kits for the isolation of DNA from different sample types, tissue and organismns are also available from Genaxxon. GS5380 > (PCR and Gel extraction Mini Prep Kit) - GS5369 > (Plasmid DNA Mini Purification Kit) or GS5370 > (Genomic DNA Purification Kit - Blood/Cell culture).
You can also buy separate PCR DNA purification columns (TS5313 >) which can be used for Genaxxon´s kits or for these of competitors!
Genomic DNA Purification Kit - Blood/Cultured Cells
The Genomic DNA Purification Kit - Blood/Cultured Cells is specially designed for fast and convenient isolation of highest quality genomic DNA from Blood/Serum/Plasma/Buffy coat or cultured cells up to 5x 10E6 cells.
Yield: up to 50µg DNA. Yields are depending on applied material. Genaxxon's technology guarantees easy handling, low hands-on time, extremely high yields and high quality standards. The high binding capacities of Genaxxon matrices allow the passage of even highly viscous extracts without retention and the isolation of unmet quantities of DNA.
Other DNA purification kits for the isolation of DNA from different tissue and organismns are also available from Genaxxon. GS5380 > (PCR and Gel extraction Mini Prep Kit) - GS5369 > (Plasmid DNA Mini Purification Kit).
You can also buy separate PCR DNA purification columns (TS5313 >) which can be used for Genaxxon´s kits or for these of competitors!
Plasmid DNA Mini Purification Kit
The Genaxxon Plasmid Mini Kit offers quick and efficient high yield extraction of high quality plasmid DNA from recombinant E.coli strains. Purified plasmid DNA is simply eluted from the column with Elution Buffer or water. Genaxxon's technology guarantees easy handling, low hands-on time, high yields and high quality standards. The high binding capacities of Genaxxon matrices allow the passage of even highly viscous extracts without retention and the isolation of high quantities of DNA.
GS5369 (Plasmid DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit) > - GS5380 (PCR and Gel extraction kit) > - S5375 (Blood DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit) - GS5378 (Tissue Genomic DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit) and others >.
Variants from €152.96*
PCR and Gel Extraktion Mini Prep Kit
The Genaxxon PCR and Gel Extraction Mini Prep Kit is a 3-in-1 kit for fast and efficient purification of DNA from PCR, enzymatic reactions but also for DNA extraction from standard agarose gels or low melting point agarose gels. The kit combines the advantages of spin column technology with the selective binding properties of a silica membrane, eliminating the need for toxic phenol-chloroform extractions.The PCR and Gel Extraction Mini Prep Kit effectively removes primers, primer dimers, dNTPs, unincorporated labelled nucleotides, enzymes and salts from PCR reaction mixtures. The kit is optimised for the purification of DNA fragments from 50 bp to 10 kb but can also be used for smaller or larger fragments.
The recovery rates are 95% for the size range from 100 bp to 3 kb DNA fragments. Smaller (50bp) or larger fragments (20kbp) can be isolated with a reduced yield (>70%).ApplicationsThe DNA fragments purified with this PCR and gel extraction kit can be used directly for all applications, including- Sequencing- Microarray analysis- Ligation and transformation- Restriction digestion- Labelling- Microinjection- PCR and in vitro transcription.
The kit includes- Binding Buffer- Prewash Buffer- Wash Buffer- Elution Buffer- DNA Purification Micro Columns & Collection TubesYou can buy separate PCR DNA purification columns (TS5313 >) which can be used for Genaxxon´s kits or for these of competitors! GS5369 (Plasmid DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit) > - GS5380 (PCR and Gel extraction kit) > - S5375 (Blood DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit) > - GS5378 (Tissue Genomic DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit) > and others >.
Variants from €151.95*
CentriPure Mini Dye-Terminatoren Aufreinigungssäulchen
Die CentriPure Mini Dye-Terminatoren Aufreinigungssäulchen sind speziell für die Verwendung zusammen mit Taq DyeDeoxy™, BigDye™ dem ABI Prism™ Terminator Cycle-Sequencingkit, inklusive dem mit AmpliTaq® FS für den ABI 310, 373A, 377A und 7700 Sequenzer konzipiert. Die CentriPure Mini Säulchen wurden für die schnelle und zuverlässige Abtrennung von überschüssigen Dye-Terminatoren und anderen kleinen Molekülen aus der Sequenzierreaktion entwickelt. Probenvolumina von 20µL bis 100µL können in unter 10 Minuten zuverlässig gereinigt werden. Die vorgewässerte Matrix der CentriPure Mini Säulchen kann problemlos für 24 Monate bei +2°C to +8°C gelagert werden. Es werden mehr als 99% der verunreinigenden Salze, dNTPs und anderer Verunreinigungen entfernt. Als Ergebnis werden gleichbleibend gute Signale von Base 1 bis 700 erhalten.
DNA Purification Columns
Mini DNA purification columns (40µL - 100µL elution volume) for DNA purification kits of different suppliers, e.g. Qiagen, Zymo, Invitrogen, Promega, etc.. These columns are a convenient and cheap alternative if buffers of already existing DNA purification kits are left but columns are out.
Columns can be used for Genaxxon kits, but also for such of other suppliers. Content: 50 columns.
DNA, RNA, DNase-free columns for DNA purification.
Binding capacity: up to 25µg DNA. Yields: 99% to 90% depending on DNA fragment length (<100bp or >10kbp possibly reduced yield). Purity: A260/A280 ratio: 1.7 – 1.9. Time required: 5 - 10 min.
Genomic DNA Purification columns
Genomic DNA purification columns with cap for purification of Plasmid-DNA. The Genaxxon columns can also be used for left-over buffer from purification kits of other suppliers than Genaxxon, e.g. for Qiagen kits cat# 69504 and 69506. These columns are a convenient and cheap alternative if buffers of already existing DNA purification kits are left but columns are out.Content: 50 columns.
Plasmid DNA Purification columns with cap
Plasmid DNA purification columns with cap for purification of Plasmid-DNA. The Genaxxon columns can also be used for left-over buffer from purification kits of other suppliers than Genaxxon. These columns are a convenient and cheap alternative if buffers of already existing DNA-purification kits are left but columns are out. Content: 50 columns.
GENAzol - RNA Purification solution
GENAzol is a ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of high-quality total RNA or the simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA and proteins from biological samples. With this single phase solution of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate, RNA, DNA and proteins in different fractions from cell and tissue samples, e.g. isolated from humans, animals, plants, yeasts, bacteria or viruses (usually within an hour).
This is a dangerous good with UN number UN2821. Not for sale outside the European Union.
Properties of GENAzol:- Parallel isolation of RNA, DNA and protein from the same sample- Superior suitability for lysis even with difficult samples- Optimized formulations and protocols for tissues, cells, blood, viruses and bacteria.
Reliable purification of RNA from samples of different volumes and sourcesGENAzol is also suitable for small amounts of tissue (50–100mg) and cells (5× 10E6) as well as for larger amounts of cells (>10E7) and contains protocols for the purification of RNA from human, animal, plant or bacterial Rehearse. GENAzol maintains the integrity of the RNA due to the very effective inhibition of RNase activity when cells and components are dissolved during sample homogenization. GENAzol enables the simultaneous processing of a large number of samples. The entire isolation step is usually completed in 1 hour. The total RNA isolated with GENAzol is free from protein and DNA contamination.
Procedure for the isolation of RNA, DNA and proteinsGENAzol enables sequential precipitation of RNA, DNA and proteins from a single sample. After homogenizing the sample with GENAzol, chloroform is added and the homogenate separates into a clear aqueous top layer (which contains RNA), a boundary layer and a organic bottom layer (with DNA and proteins). RNA is precipitated from the aqueous layer with isopropanol. DNA precipitation from the organic boundary layer takes place with ethanol. Finally, the protein from the phenol-ethanol supernatant is precipitated with isopropanol. Precipitated RNA, DNA or protein is washed to remove impurities and then resuspended for use in subsequent applications.
DNA Q-Extraction Solution
The non-toxic DNA Q-Extraction Solution is optimized for easy extraction of PCR-ready DNA. DNA is easily extracted from various mammalian tissues e.g. mouse tails, ear snips, liver, kidney, lung and saliva.
DNA Q-Extraction Solution provides fast and easy extraction of nucleic acids from various mammalian tissues (e.g. mouse tails, ear snips, liver, kidney, lung), saliva and bacteria. The PCR-ready nucleic acid is extracted, using one tube and one reaction, in as little as 8 minutes.
The one-step lysis is performed in either a thermocycler or heating block and is divided into two simple heating steps. The extracted DNA is then ready for PCR without further handling such as vortex, centrifugation or dilutions. The obtained DNA extract is stable at - 20°C for up to one week and at - 80°C for long term storage.
For optimal genotyping results we recommend to use our DNA Q-Extraction Solution together with our Red Mastermix Master Mix (2X) for PCR (M3029 >). E.g. use 2µL to 5µL of the Q-Extract solution for a 25µL PCR reaction. Protocol details: see document section.
Features:- One-reagent set-up- Minimal handling- Rapid 8-minute protocol- PCR-ready DNA- DNA extracts from mammalian tissues and bacteria- Non-toxic reagents- Scalable set-up- Automation-friendly
Extraction ProtocolPreparation of DNA extraction should be performed in a separate area from that used for setting up the PCR reaction.
1. Thaw DNA Q-Extraction Solution. For the first time use, aliquot the Q-Extract DNA Extraction solution into smaller volumes. (DNA Q-Extraction Solution has a cloudy appearance).2. Add your sample to a tube containing 100µL DNA Q-Extraction Solution. Recommended sample sizes are shown in Table 1 of the data sheet.3. Vortex the tube containing the sample and the DNA extraction solution for 15 sec. Make sure that the sample is completely covered by the DNA Q-Extraction Solution.4. Transfer the tube to a heat block or a thermal cycler and incubate for
1. 65 °C for 6 min2. 98 °C for 2 min3. 4 °C (or cool down on ice)
The DNA extract is now ready for PCR.
PureIT ExoZAP - PCR Clean-Up reagent
The PureIT ExoZAP - PCR Clean-Up reagent from Ampliqon can be used for enzymatic cleanup of your PCR products without the need for purification columns. With PureIT ExoZAP PCR products from less than 100bp to over 20kbp can be purified from primers and unincorporated dNTPs with no sample loss. The combination of HL-ExoI and a recombinant Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (rSAP) hydrolyzes excess primers and nucleotides in a single step within the PCR reaction tube!
ZAP-SAPexo purified samples are ready for use in downstream applications such as DNA sequencing or SNP analysis (single nucleotide polymorphism) after a simple 5 minute incubation.
Advantages:• Fast. Only 5 minutes without centrifugation.• Just one pipetting step for pure DNA sequencing samples!• Simple enzymatic removal of excess primers and unincorporated nucleotides.• Minimal loss of your PCR sample. Up to 100% recovery.
Our innovative PureIT ExoZAP solution offers a simple method to purify your PCR reactions from primers and unincorporated nucleotides. Only one pipetting step followed by a min. 2 minutes incubation at 37°C (digestion) and a min. 3 (-10) minutes incubation at 80°C (inactivation). One-step solution provides a simple way to enzymatically purify a PCR reaction. Just programme your PCR cycler after the PCR accordingly, pipet the PureIT ExoZAP reagent to each tube or well, start Cycler and you will have your purified PCR samples after 5 minutes ready for use in sequencing or SNP analyis.
After the enzymatic reaction with PureIT ExoZAP, primers and dNTPs will no longer interfere with DNA sequencing or SNP analysis, for example with our SNP Pol DNA polymerase >.
Using PureIT ExoZAP offers the possibility to proceed with the sequencing reaction after the BigDye™ Cycle Sequencing reaction without the need for addition time consuming purification methods, e.g. with Dye Terminator purification kits.
PCR product of 866 bp was amplified using TEMPase DNA Polymerase in Ammonium Buffer. The PCR product was spiked with dNTP’s and primers and then treated (A) without PureIT ExoZAP PCR CleanUp (B) with PureIT ExoZAP PCR CleanUp (2 +3 min) and (C) with an enzymatic PCR clean-up reagent from a competting brand (1+ 4 min) prior to Sanger sequencing. All samples were analyzed in triplicates and according to manufactures recommendations. Sanger sequencing result was compared by graphically plotting the number of base calls with certain quality values (Phred score). Treatment of PCR products with PureIT ExoZAP significantly improves the quality of DNA sequencing. Furthermore, PureIT ExoZAP PCR CleanUp showed PCR clean-up results equivalent to the competing PCR clean-up reagent. *Data with Quality values less than 10 is not included.
Sanger sequencing results of the 866 bp PCR product. The depicted electropherograms are either after treatment with PureIT ExoZAP PCR CleanUp (top) or untreated (bottom). Sequence shown is approximately the region from 250 - 300 bases. Treatment of spiked PCR product with PureIT ExoZAP PCR CleanUp significantly improves the quality of Sanger Sequencing. Treatment enhances signal intensity and eliminates background interference and base miscalls.
G2 DNA/RNA Extraction Enhancer Solution
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer for improved DNA/RNA extraction!The G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is developed to increase the yield of microbial DNA during DNA extraction from difficult matrices for example clay and soil samples. The primary function of G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is to relieve inhibitory DNA - particle or other inhibitory DNA complexes.
FEATURES- Inhibition of DNA and RNA sorption to clay particles- At least 2-10 fold increased yield of microbial DNA and RNA.- No trace of endonuclease-, nicking-, exonuclease- or RNase activity- Patent EP2 443 251
DESCRIPTIONG2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is available freeze dried with 0.1mm or 1.4mm ceramic beads in a 2mL tube. G2 DNA/Enhancer is also available in liquid format in three packing sizes including either 10, 50 or 100 reactions of 500µL.
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer should be used in combination with either a standardised extraction methods or commercial purification kits intended for DNA & RNA extraction.
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is available with 0.1mm ceramic beads (> A4201xx) or with 1.4mm ceramic beads (> A4214xx) and as solution (> A4200xx).
Variants from €92.44*
Variants from €92.44*
0.1mm Beads of G2 DNA/RNA Extraction Enhancer
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer for improved DNA/RNA extraction!The G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is developed to increase the yield of microbial DNA during DNA extraction from difficult matrices for example clay and soil samples. The primary function of G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is to relieve inhibitory DNA - particle or other inhibitory DNA complexes.
FEATURES- Inhibition of DNA and RNA sorption to clay particles- At least 2-10 fold increased yield of microbial DNA and RNA.- No trace of endonuclease-, nicking-, exonuclease- or RNase activity- Patent EP2 443 251
DESCRIPTIONG2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is available freeze dried with 0.1mm or 1.4mm ceramic beads in a 2mL tube. G2 DNA/Enhancer is also available in liquid format in three packing sizes including either 10, 50 or 100 reactions of 500µL.
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer should be used in combination with either a standardised extraction methods or commercial purification kits intended for DNA & RNA extraction.
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is available with 0.1mm ceramic beads (> A4201xx) or with 1.4mm ceramic beads (> A4214xx) and as solution (> A4200xx).
Variants from €128.75*
Variants from €128.75*
Variants from €128.75*
1.4mm Beads of G2 DNA/RNA Extraction Enhancer
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer for improved DNA/RNA extraction!The G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is developed to increase the yield of microbial DNA during DNA extraction from difficult matrices for example clay and soil samples. The primary function of G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is to relieve inhibitory DNA - particle or other inhibitory DNA complexes.
FEATURES- Inhibition of DNA and RNA sorption to clay particles- At least 2-10 fold increased yield of microbial DNA and RNA.- No trace of endonuclease-, nicking-, exonuclease- or RNase activity- Patent EP2 443 251
DESCRIPTIONG2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is available freeze dried with 0.1mm or 1.4mm ceramic beads in a 2mL tube. G2 DNA/Enhancer is also available in liquid format in three packing sizes including either 10, 50 or 100 reactions of 500µL.
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer should be used in combination with either a standardised extraction methods or commercial purification kits intended for DNA & RNA extraction.
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is available with 0.1mm ceramic beads (> A4201xx) or with 1.4mm ceramic beads (> A4214xx) and as solution (> A4200xx).
Variants from €128.75*
Variants from €128.75*
Variants from €128.75*
CentriPure Mini Dye Terminator columns
Die CentriPure CP-0219 columns are specially designed for purification and desalting of oligonucleotides longer than 20 base pairs and from proteins greater than 25 kDa with minimal dilution.
The gel bed has a volume of 0.5mL. Samples with a volume up to 100µL can be processed. Optimal purification and recovery is obtained with a sample volume of 50µL.
Because the columns are rehydrated shortly before use, their shelf life (non-hydrated) at +15°C to +30°C is several years.
More than 99% of impurities as salts, dNTPs or Dye terminators can be removed by our CentriPure columns. As a result you will get consitent and reliable signals from base 1 to 700.
- Purification of DNA sequencing reactions.- Removal of free and labelled dNTP’s from DNA/RNA polymerisation reactions (e.g. RT-PCR, PCR, nick translation).- Purification/desalting of proteins. Removal of traces of phenol or exchange of buffer salts, as in multiple restriction digestions. These columns are far superior - in ease of use, speed, and non-toxicity - to such common techniques as phenol/chloroform extractions and ethanol precipitations.
Variants from €17.79*
Variants from €17.79*
CentriPure Dye Terminator - 96-well plates
For the rapid and reliable removal of excess dye terminators, primer, dNTPs and other small molecules from completed DNA sequencing reactions, e.g. from BigDye™ Cycle Sequencing reactions. Samples from 20µL can be processed reliably and consistently in under 10 minutes.
Removal of salts, dNTPs and other unwanted low molecular weight impurities (ammonia, haptens, biotin, etc.) can be accomplished by more than 98%. High, uniform signal intensity for base calls from base 1 to over 700. The plates can be stored at +2°C to +8°C for 6 months.
Gelbed volume available in 400µL and 200µL. The CentriPure plates will be a cost effective alternative to the recommended Centri-Sep plates.
CP-0101 plates are normally produced for each order for maximum shelf life of 6-7 months.
Variants from €165.86*
Variants from €165.86*
Glycogen solution DNase-free - 20mg/mL
Glycogen is a branched carbohydrate that can be used as a co-precipitant in nucleic acid isolation.
Features of Glyogen:
• Ideal for RT-PCR• Increases Pellet-Mass• Quantitative recovery in case of low/very low nucleic acid amounts (ng/mL).• Prevents pellet loss in nuclease protection assays.• 260/280nm measurements are unaffected by Glycogen.
Co-precipitants are inert substances (Glycogen or linear Acrylamide) to aid in the recovery of nucleic acids after alcohol precipitation. They are almost indispensable for the quantitative recovery of small quantities of nucleic acids from diluted solutions. Often, the use of such molecules is not desirable for any reason other than the visualization of the pelleted after centrifugation.
When used at a final concentration of 50 to 150µg/mL, glycogen will co-precipitate with nucleic acids in the presence of 0.5M ammonium acetate and isopropanol or ethanol.