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RNA- DNA- Protein-Purification
Genaxxon bioscience offers a comprehensive range of high quality and reliable kits for RNA, DNA and protein purification. Whether our customers want to isolate and purify RNA > or DNA > or proteins and peptides >, they will always find a Genaxxon product to help achieve successful results. Even for samples that are challenging to purify, Genaxxon can provide innovative, easy-to-use, reliable and affordable solutions.
To obtain intact RNA of the highest quality and integrity for successful, reliable and reproducible results in downstream applications such as quantitative RT-PCR, Northern blots, microarrays and cDNA libraries for next-generation sequencing, it is important to use only the best RNA purification technology available.
DNA Purification Columns
Mini DNA purification columns (40µL - 100µL elution volume) for DNA purification kits of different suppliers, e.g. Qiagen, Zymo, Invitrogen, Promega, etc.. These columns are a convenient and cheap alternative if buffers of already existing DNA purification kits are left but columns are out.
Columns can be used for Genaxxon kits, but also for such of other suppliers. Content: 50 columns.
DNA, RNA, DNase-free columns for DNA purification.
Binding capacity: up to 25µg DNA. Yields: 99% to 90% depending on DNA fragment length (<100bp or >10kbp possibly reduced yield). Purity: A260/A280 ratio: 1.7 – 1.9. Time required: 5 - 10 min.
RNA Purification Mini Spin Columns
RNA Purification Mini Spin Columns for RNA purification kits of different suppliers. These RNA purification spin columns are a convenient and cheap alternative if buffers of already existing RNA purification kits are left but columns are out. For purification of total RNA. RNA can be used for: Northern, dot, and slot blotting, end-point RT-PCR, quantitative, real-time RT-PCR, array analysis, next-generation sequencing. Elution volume of the RNA purification spin columns: 30-100µL, main sample types: tissue, cells, sample amount: 1 - 30mg.
Additional Genaxxon offer also ceramic beads for rapid cell disintegration.
You can reorder our RNA > and DNA purification columns > for the isolation of total RNA or DNA from enzymatic reactions or ceramic beads > separately. These articles can also be used with buffers/kits from other suppliers.
With our HotScriptase RT Polymerase >, you can quickly and easily transcribe and amplify RNA into DNA by normal PCR. You do not need a reverse transcriptase and no reverse transcription step.
Genomic DNA Purification columns
Genomic DNA purification columns with cap for purification of Plasmid-DNA. The Genaxxon columns can also be used for left-over buffer from purification kits of other suppliers than Genaxxon, e.g. for Qiagen kits cat# 69504 and 69506. These columns are a convenient and cheap alternative if buffers of already existing DNA purification kits are left but columns are out.Content: 50 columns.
Ceramic beads for tissue lysis
Ceramic beads for the lysis of tissue from a wide range of sample material, e.g. for RNA extraction. The kit contains 100 preps with 1.4mm ceramic beads (zirconia) and comes pre-proportioned to 1g in 2mL standard screw cap tubes. The beads are suitable for the homogenization of "soft" tissue from lung, liver, brain, kidney, spleen, skin, cells from cell culture, as well as for plant tissues such as e.g. Leaves or even whole insects. The usabl sample amount ranges from up to 200mg tissue, up to 200μL of cells suspended in water or isotonic saline solution, or up to 100mg wet weight of tissue culture cells grown in suspension (e.g., ≤10E7 mammalian cells).
The beads can be used for a variety of samples and applications, e.g. B. for veterinary diagnostics (BSE screening), pharmacology and toxicology (drug detection), criminology and forensic medicine, food industry (GMO detection), microbiology in the environment (microorganism lysis). as well as the isolation of nucleic acids and proteins. They are chemically inert and do not bind nucleic acids.
The beads are comparable with MP Biomedical No. 116913100 (equivalent to Lysing Matrix D) and are compatible with most commercially available homogenizers, like FastPrep® (MP Biomedicals), MagNA Lyser Instrument (Roche).
You can reorder our RNA > and DNA purification columns > for the isolation of total RNA or DNA from enzymatic reactions or ceramic beads > separately. These articles can also be used with buffers/kits from other suppliers.
With our HotScriptase RT PCR master mix >, you can quickly and easily transcribe and amplify RNA into DNA by normal PCR. You do not need a reverse transcriptase and no reverse transcription step.
GENAzol - RNA Purification solution
GENAzol is a ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of high-quality total RNA or the simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA and proteins from biological samples. With this single phase solution of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate, RNA, DNA and proteins in different fractions from cell and tissue samples, e.g. isolated from humans, animals, plants, yeasts, bacteria or viruses (usually within an hour).
This is a dangerous good with UN number UN2821. Not for sale outside the European Union.
Properties of GENAzol:- Parallel isolation of RNA, DNA and protein from the same sample- Superior suitability for lysis even with difficult samples- Optimized formulations and protocols for tissues, cells, blood, viruses and bacteria.
Reliable purification of RNA from samples of different volumes and sourcesGENAzol is also suitable for small amounts of tissue (50–100mg) and cells (5× 10E6) as well as for larger amounts of cells (>10E7) and contains protocols for the purification of RNA from human, animal, plant or bacterial Rehearse. GENAzol maintains the integrity of the RNA due to the very effective inhibition of RNase activity when cells and components are dissolved during sample homogenization. GENAzol enables the simultaneous processing of a large number of samples. The entire isolation step is usually completed in 1 hour. The total RNA isolated with GENAzol is free from protein and DNA contamination.
Procedure for the isolation of RNA, DNA and proteinsGENAzol enables sequential precipitation of RNA, DNA and proteins from a single sample. After homogenizing the sample with GENAzol, chloroform is added and the homogenate separates into a clear aqueous top layer (which contains RNA), a boundary layer and a organic bottom layer (with DNA and proteins). RNA is precipitated from the aqueous layer with isopropanol. DNA precipitation from the organic boundary layer takes place with ethanol. Finally, the protein from the phenol-ethanol supernatant is precipitated with isopropanol. Precipitated RNA, DNA or protein is washed to remove impurities and then resuspended for use in subsequent applications.
Co-NTA MagBeads for His-tagged protein purification
Protein purification based on magnetic beads has become popular because they are useful to extract proteins from diluted solutions, such as cell culture supernatants purify proteins expressed at low levels perform pull-down experiments We use magnetic beads with a ferrimagnetic core and an agarose coating coupled to a ligand of choice, our beads meet our own high quality standards. They enable fast and easy purification steps, which can be automated. The amount of magnetic beads used for a purification setup can be easily scaled up and down to match protein expression rates and culture volumes. Genaxxon MagBeads are ferrimagnetic agarose beads coupled to a chelating ligand (IDA or NTA) coordinating nickel or cobalt ions. All offered ligand-metal systems efficiently bind histidine-tagged proteins. With a binding capacity of up to 40mg protein per mL (Ni-IDA) and 70mg per mL (Ni-NTA) of settled MagBeads, Genaxxon Ni-IDA MagBeads are comparable to equivalent beads from alternative providers.
Variants from €119.08*
Variants from €119.08*
Co-NTA-Agarose for His-tagged proteins
NTA-Agarose consists of the tetradentate chelating agent, nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), covalently coupled agarose beads, and is loaded with Co2+ ions. In processing recombinant fusion proteins from eukaryotes or in the case of special protein complexes, Genaxxon Co-NTA Agarose should always be used offering the possibility of higher protein purity levels. Both metal ions feature differing spatial properties and electronic binding potentials. While Co2+ binds only domains adjacent to residual histidine and is thus highly selective for 6×histidine-tagged fusion proteins, Ni2+ ions are less specific and can bind residual histidine outside the polyhistidine tag, which may result in higher contamination with foreign proteins. The unique production process yields a Co-NTA Agarose that exhibits a higher protein binding capacity than that of leading competitor products. Genaxxon Co-NTA Agarose is very robust in the presence of DTT and EDTA. In a stability test, Genaxxon Co-NTA Agarose was exposed to increasing concentrations of DTT or EDTA for 1h. Thereafter, the resins were used to purify E. coli-expressed GFP-His in gravity columns. The binding capacity of the resin decreased in the presence of both DTT and EDTA but the decay rate was shallow. Genaxxon NTA Agarose is supplied as a 50% buffered suspension in 20% Ethanol.
Variants from €238.13*
Plasmid DNA Purification columns with cap
Plasmid DNA purification columns with cap for purification of Plasmid-DNA. The Genaxxon columns can also be used for left-over buffer from purification kits of other suppliers than Genaxxon. These columns are a convenient and cheap alternative if buffers of already existing DNA-purification kits are left but columns are out. Content: 50 columns.
Ni-NTA MagBeads for His-tagged protein purification
Protein purification based on magnetic beads has become popular because they are useful to extract proteins from diluted solutions, such as cell culture supernatants purify proteins expressed at low levels perform pull-down experiments We use magnetic beads with a ferrimagnetic core and an agarose coating coupled to a ligand of choice, our beads meet our own high quality standards. They enable fast and easy purification steps, which can be automated. The amount of magnetic beads used for a purification setup can be easily scaled up and down to match protein expression rates and culture volumes. Genaxxon MagBeads are ferrimagnetic agarose beads coupled to a chelating ligand (IDA or NTA) coordinating nickel or cobalt ions. All offered ligand-metal systems efficiently bind histidine-tagged proteins. With a binding capacity of up to 40mg protein per mL (Ni-IDA) and 70mg per mL (Ni-NTA) of settled MagBeads, Genaxxon Ni-IDA MagBeads are comparable to equivalent beads from alternative providers.
Variants from €149.63*
Variants from €149.63*
0.1mm Beads of G2 DNA/RNA Extraction Enhancer
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer for improved DNA/RNA extraction!The G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is developed to increase the yield of microbial DNA during DNA extraction from difficult matrices for example clay and soil samples. The primary function of G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is to relieve inhibitory DNA - particle or other inhibitory DNA complexes.
FEATURES- Inhibition of DNA and RNA sorption to clay particles- At least 2-10 fold increased yield of microbial DNA and RNA.- No trace of endonuclease-, nicking-, exonuclease- or RNase activity- Patent EP2 443 251
DESCRIPTIONG2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is available freeze dried with 0.1mm or 1.4mm ceramic beads in a 2mL tube. G2 DNA/Enhancer is also available in liquid format in three packing sizes including either 10, 50 or 100 reactions of 500µL.
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer should be used in combination with either a standardised extraction methods or commercial purification kits intended for DNA & RNA extraction.
G2 DNA/RNA Enhancer is available with 0.1mm ceramic beads (> A4201xx) or with 1.4mm ceramic beads (> A4214xx) and as solution (> A4200xx).
Variants from €128.75*
Variants from €128.75*
Variants from €128.75*