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DNA Marker / DNA Ladder - DNA Genetic Marker / DNA Ladder
GenLadder DNA markers are available in a convenient ready-to-use format, premixed with 6X DNA Loading Dye. M3072 (GenLadder 50bp) > with 6X Orange G DNA Loading Dye, GM3094 (GenLadder 100bp plus 1.5 kbp and 3.0 kbp) >, M3328 (GenLadder 1 kbp ready-to-use) >, GM3084 (GenLadder XLarge up to 25 kbp - ready-to-use) >. Genaxxon also offers DNA markers with fluorescent dye. Gel staining is then no longer necessary: M3237 (GenLadder 100 bp plus 1.5 kbp plus 3.0 kbp) >.
GenLadder 50bp Plus (ready-to-use) with Orange G
The GenLadder 50bp (ready-to-use) is an ideal DNA size marker for fragment sizes from 50 - 1500bp. The bands at 200bp, 500bp and 1200bp bands light up more intensive for better orientation. Each band has been calibrated with respect to base pair size. Thus, an accurate determination of product size is possible. No ambiguous bands are visible. Band sizes: 50 (ca. 30ng/5µL), 100 (ca. 27ng/5µL), 150 (ca. 30ng/5µL), 200 (2x) (ca. 67ng/5µL), 250 (ca. 25ng/5µL), 300 (ca. 20ng/5µL), 350 (ca. 18ng/5µL), 400 (ca. 27ng/5µL), 450 (ca. 23ng/5µL), 500 (2x) (ca. 67ng/5µL), 600 (ca. 20ng/5µL), 700 (ca. 23ng/5µL), 800 (ca. 27ng/5µL), 900 (ca. 30ng/5µL), 1000 (ca. 33ng/5µL), 1200 (2X) (ca. 70ng/5µL) and 1500bp (ca. 40ng/5µL).
GenLadder 50bp is already dissolved in loading buffer with tracking dye (Orange G) that does not overlab with bands in the range between 500bp and and smaller.
GenLadder DNA ladders are available in a ready-to-use format (premixed with 6X DNA Loading Dye): M3094 (GenLadder 1kbp extended up to 25 kbp ready-to-use) > and M3328 (GenLadder 1kbp ready-to-use) > or our ready-to-use premix M3072 (GenLadder 50bp) > with 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye.
The DNA Gel Loading Dyes can also be ordered separately: M3308 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Bromophenol and Xylene Cyanol FF) >, M3321 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Orange G) >.
Variants from €46.50*
GenLadder 100 bp Plus with loading dye
50 µg
Our DNA marker GenLadder 100 bp Plus with loading dye is an ideal tool to determine the size of double stranded DNA in the range of 100 - 3000 bp. The additional bands at 1.5kbp and 3.0kbp allow to assign additional DNA fragment sizes in the range up to 3000 bp without using an additional 1kbp DNA marker.
The Gene Ladder 100 bp Plus consists of 12 fragments in sizes between 100 - 1000bp spaced 100bp apart. In addition, there are further bands at 1500bp and 3000bp.
The 500bp and 1500bp fragment show stronger intensity to allow easier identification. All fragments are 'blunt-ended'. The GenLadder can be directly labeled at the 5'-end with radioisotopes using T4 polynucleotide Kinase for visualisation by autoradiography.
Fragment sizes (in base pairs): 3000 bp (40ng/5µL), 2x 1500 bp (70ng/5µL), 1000 bp (50ng/5µL), 900 bp (40ng/5µL), 800 bp (40ng/5µL), 700 bp (30ng/5µL), 600 bp (30ng/5µL), 2x 500 bp (90ng/5µL), 400 bp (40ng/5µL), 300 bp (30ng/5µL), 200 bp (40ng/5µL), 100 bp (40ng/5µL).
The DNA marker is already dissolved in buffer containing orange G and Xylene cyanol FF as tracking dyes. The total concentration of the DNA-Marker is 0.1µg/µL (108µg/mL).
The recommended amount of DNA marker per lane is 0,5μg (5µL).
GenLadder DNA ladders are available in a ready-to-use format (premixed with 6X DNA Loading Dye): M3094 (GenLadder 1kbp extended up to 25 kbp ready-to-use) > and M3328 (GenLadder 1kbp ready-to-use) > or our ready-to-use premix M3072 (GenLadder 50bp) > with 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye.
The DNA Gel Loading Dyes can also be ordered separately: M3308 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Bromophenol and Xylene Cyanol FF) >, M3321 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Orange G) >.
GenLadder 100 bp Plus with gel staining dye
The GenLadder 100 bp Plus with gel staining dye and loading dye - ready-to-use is an innovation for high throughput approaches or colony screenings! Ideally suited to determine the size of double-stranded DNA between 100 and 1000 base pairs. The additional bands at 1.5kbp and 3.0kbp allow additional DNA sizes in this range to be assigned without having to use an additional 1kbp DNA marker. At the same time, the mixture also contains a fluorescent gel staining dye. Additional staining (pre- or post staining) or the addition of fluorescent dye prior to application is thus unnecessary and saves an additional pipetting step. At the same time, it is possible to check whether a PCR was successful or not before applying the PCR sample!
This DNA ladder is an ideal match for our Red MasterMix Fluoro 2X, which also contains the gel staining dye. Together the ideal pair for Colony Screens!
For more information on our SimplyEnlight PCR products, read our blog now. Genaxxon's SimplyEnlight PCR - Unlock the Power of Your PCR!
The Gene Ladder 100 bp Plus consists of 12 fragments in sizes between 100 - 1000bp spaced 100bp apart. In addition, there are further bands at 1500bp and 3000bp.
The 500bp and 1500bp fragment show stronger intensity to allow easier identification. All fragments are 'blunt-ended'. The GenLadder can be directly labeled at the 5'-end with radioisotopes using T4 polynucleotide Kinase for visualisation by autoradiography.
Fragment sizes (in base pairs): 3000 bp (40ng/6µL), 2x 1500 bp (70ng/6µL), 1000 bp (50ng/6µL), 900 bp (40ng/6µL), 800 bp (40ng/6µL), 700 bp (30ng/6µL), 600 bp (30ng/6µL), 2x 500 bp (90ng/6µL), 400 bp (40ng/6µL), 300 bp (30ng/6µL), 200 bp (40ng/6µL), 100 bp (40ng/6µL).
The DNA marker is already dissolved in buffer containing orange G and Xylene cyanol FF as tracking dyes. The total concentration of the DNA-Marker is 90 µg/mL.
The recommended amount of DNA marker per lane is 0,5μg (6µL).
GenLadder DNA ladders are available in a ready-to-use format (premixed with 6X DNA Loading Dye): M3084 (GenLadder 1kbp extended up to 25 kbp ready-to-use) > and M3328 (GenLadder 1kbp ready-to-use) > or our ready-to-use premix M3072 (GenLadder 50bp) > with 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye.
The DNA Gel Loading Dyes can also be ordered separately: M3308 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Bromophenol and Xylene Cyanol FF) >, M3321 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Orange G) >.
Variants from €42.50*
GenLadder 1kb (ready-to-use) DNA marker
The GenLadder 1kb (ready-to-use) 250bp - 10kbp-ladder is the ideal DNA size marker for fragment sizes from 250 - 10000bp. All bands light up to the same intensity except the 1000 bp and the 3000 bp band which are twice as bright for better orientation. Each band has been calibrated with respect to base pair size and DNA quantity. Thus, an accurate determination of product size and DNA concentration is possible. No ambiguous bands are visible. The GenLadder 250bp - 10kb can be directly labeled at the 5'-end with radioisotopes using T4 polynucleotide Kinase for visualisation by autoradiography. The DNA is already dissolved in buffer with 6X loading dye ready to use.
Fragment sizes and amount of DNA per band: 10000bp ( 28ng/5µL), 8000bp (28ng/5µL), 6000bp (28ng/5µL), 5000bp (28ng/5µL), 4000bp ( 18ng/5µL), 2x3000bp (92ng/5µL), 2500bp (34ng/5µL), 2000bp (34ng/5µL), 1500bp (20ng/5µL), 2x1000bp (92ng/5µL), 750bp (23ng/5µL), 500bp (30ng/5µL), 250bp (45ng/5µL).
GenLadder DNA ladders are available in a ready-to-use format (premixed with 6X DNA Loading Dye): M3094 (GenLadder 1kbp extended up to 25 kbp ready-to-use) > and M3328 (GenLadder 1kbp ready-to-use) > or our ready-to-use premix M3072 (GenLadder 50bp) > with 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye.
The DNA Gel Loading Dyes can also be ordered separately: M3308 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Bromophenol and Xylene Cyanol FF) >, M3321 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Orange G) >.
GenLadder XLarge up to 25 kbp - ready-to-use
With the synthetic GenLadder XLarge, even larger plasmid insertions and vector plasmids can be determined clearly and precisely in size by gel electrophoresis in the range of 250 - 25000 base pairs after restriction digests. The Genaxxon GenLadder XLarge shows 14 bands. The approximate mass of the DNA in each band is given for a 5µL load (0.52µg/lane). Additionally the 1000 bp and 3000 bp are intensified for better and faster orientation in 1.0 - 1.5% agarose gels.
Please avoid repeated freez-thaw cycles. We recommend to portion the product into smaller aliquots.
Source: PCR products and double-stranded DNA digested with appropriate restriction enzymes, are phenol extracted and equilibrated to 10mM Tris-HCl (pH8.0) and 10mM EDTA.
GenLadder DNA ladders are available in a ready-to-use format (premixed with 6X DNA Loading Dye): M3094 (GenLadder 1kbp extended up to 25 kbp ready-to-use) > and M3328 (GenLadder 1kbp ready-to-use) > or our ready-to-use premix M3072 (GenLadder 50bp) > with 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye.
The DNA Gel Loading Dyes can also be ordered separately: M3308 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Bromophenol and Xylene Cyanol FF) >, M3321 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Orange G) >.
Variants from €45.50*
pUC18/pUC19 (undigested)
Die Vektoren pUC18/ pUC19 aus E.coli sind standardmäßig benutzte, kleine high copy number E. coli Plasmide von 2686 bp Länge. pUC19 ist identisch mit pUC18, außer dass die multiple cloning site (MCS) in umgekehrter Orientierung angeordnet ist. pUC18/19 Plasmide beinhalten: 1. das pMB1 Replikon rep, das für die Replikation des Plasmids zuständig ist (Quelle – Plasmid pBR322). Die hohe Kopienzahl des pUC Plasmids resultiert aus dem Fehlen des rop-Gens und einer Punktmutation im Replikon rep von pMB1. 2. das bla-Gen, das für die beta-Laktamase kodiert und die Resistenz gegen Ampicillin (Quelle – Plasmid pBR322) vermittelt. Es unterscheidet sich vom bla-Gen aus pBR322 durch 2 Punktmutationen. 3. die Region des E.coli lac-Operons, das die CAP-Protein Bindestelle, den Promotor Plac, die lac-Repressor Bindestelle und den 5’-terminalen Teil vom lacZ-Gens vermittelt, das für das N-terminale Ende der beta-Galaktosidase (Quelle – M13mp18/19) kodiert. Dieses Fragment, dessen Synthese durch IPTG induziert werden kann, ist zu einer intra-allelen (alpha) Komplementation mit einer vom Wirt kodierten, defekten Form der beta-Galaktosidase befähigt (Mutation - delta(lacZ)M15). In der Gegenwart von IPTG synthetisieren die Bakterien beide Fragmente des Enzyms und bilden blaue Kolonien auf Medien, die X-Gal enthalten. Die Insertion von DNA in die MCS, die inmitten des lacZ Gens liegt (Codons 6-7 des lacZ Gens wurden durch die MCS ersetzt), inaktiviert das N-terminale Fragment der beta-Galaktosidase und verhindert die alpha-Komplementation. Die Bakterien, die rekombinante Plasmide enthalten, bilden deshalb weiße Kolonien auf Medien mit X-Gal.
GenLadder DNA ladders are available in a ready-to-use format (premixed with 6X DNA Loading Dye which contains bromophenol blue and xylene cyanol FF): M3094 (GenLadder 1kbp extended up to 25 kbp ready-to-use) > and M3328 (GenLadder 1kbp ready-to-use) > or our ready-to-use premix M3072 (GenLadder 50bp) > with 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye.
The DNA Gel Loading Dyes can also be ordered separately: M3308 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Bromophenol and Xylene Cyanol FF) >, M3321 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Orange G) >.
Lambda-DNA (undigested)
Restriction enzyme-digested lambda DNA (48,502bp) generates molecular weight size markers routinely used in gel analysis of nucleic acids. The complete nucleotide sequence has been determined. Lit.: Sanger, F. et al. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 162, 729.
Details about the DNA sequence can be found in the data sheet attachement.
The double stranded DNA is isolated from bacteriophage lambda (cl857 ind1 Sam7). The molecular weight is 31.5 x 10E6 daltons and is 48,502 base pairs in length.The phage is isolated from the heat inducible lysogen E. coli λ cl857 S7 by gel filtration. The DNA is isolated from the purified phage by phenol/chloroform extraction and dialyzed against 10mM Tris-HCl (pH7.4) and 1mM EDTA.
The product is methylated.
GenLadder DNA ladders are available in a ready-to-use format (premixed with 6X DNA Loading Dye which contains bromophenol blue and xylene cyanol FF): M3094 (GenLadder 1kbp extended up to 25 kbp ready-to-use) > and M3328 (GenLadder 1kbp ready-to-use) > or our ready-to-use premix M3072 (GenLadder 50bp) > with 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye.
The DNA Gel Loading Dyes can also be ordered separately: M3308 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Bromophenol and Xylene Cyanol FF) >, M3321 (DNA Gel Loading Dye with Orange G) >.