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FAST and Multiplex qPCR - PCR-Workflow Optimierung mit FAST-PCR Mastermixen
FAST-PCR Mastermixes offer speed and efficiency for your PCR applications without sacrificing specificity and sensitivity.
Do you need to process more samples per day than your infrastructure allows? Or do you have problems with scheduling because the equipment you use is shared between you and your colleagues? Then it makes sense to switch from standard realtime PCR master mixes to FAST-PCR master mixes. You can triple your throughput without any further investment in equipment. If a standard qPCR takes about 120 minutes, you can perform the same run in 40 minutes with a FAST qPCR mastermix from Genaxxon. If no “FAST-capable” thermal cycler is available, a time saving of 50% is still possible. You get the same results in 60 minutes instead of 120 minutes.
It is even faster when using our Multiplex 5X Mastermix. For challenging applications, our Multiplex 5X Mastermix offers you all the flexibility you need for multiplexing applications and brings you further time advantages through parallel amplification of different targets.
Multiplex HS MasterMix (2X)
Multiplex PCR is a method that enables amplification of two or more amplicons simultaneously in a single reaction tube/reaction. It is widely used in genotyping and different areas of DNA testing in research, forensic and diagnostic laboratories.
Our Multiplex HS Mastermix (2X) is an optimized ready-to-use mixture for probe-based assays such as TaqMan®, Beacons and MGBs. It contains a modified fast HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs and MgCl₂ combined in an optimized buffer system for realtime PCR / qPCR applications except primers, probe and template DNA / cDNA.
The HotStart Taq Polymerase is based on the standard Taq DNA polymerase from Genaxxon inactivated by an specific antibody against Taq DNA polymerase which is activated by heat treatment. Thus, during setup and the first ramp of thermal cycling, the enzyme is not active and misprimed primers are not extended. The result is higher specificity, increased sensitivity and greater yields when compared to standard DNA polymerases, making this enzyme especially well-suited for multiplex PCR.
- Amplification of multiple targets in a single tube- All-in-one master mix for convenient multiplexing- High specificity, sensitivity and product yield- Easy reaction setup at room temperature
The Multiplex HS Master mix 2X is shipped in aliquots of 1mL.
Our Standard Agarose LE > and especially our high resolution Agarose Tiny > are ideally suited for the subsequent electrophoresis analysis.
Other realtime master mixes for your realtime PCR experiments can be found here >.
Examples of Multiplex applications: F. Javier Pérez-Pérez and Nancy D. Hanson, Detection of Plasmid-Mediated AmpC β-Lactamase Genes in Clinical Isolates by Using Multiplex PCR, J. Clin. Microbiol. June 2002 vol. 40 no. 6 2153-2162. doi: 10.1128/JCM.40.6.2153-2162.2002.
Tamara B. Souzaa, Diego M. Lozerb, Sônia M. S. Kitagawab, Liliana C. Spanob, Neusa P. Silvac and Isabel C. A. Scaletskya, Real-Time Multiplex PCR Assay and Melting Curve Analysis for Identifying Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli. J. Clin. Microbiol. March 2013 vol. 51 no. 3 1031-1033, doi: 10.1128/JCM.02478-12.
Variants from €122.15*
5X qPCR Multiplex MasterMix
5X Multiplex PCR Mastermix for robust PCR with all components for rapid, sensitive and reproducible quantification of DNA. The optimized DNA polymerase and an optimized buffer including our ultrapure dNTPs are key components of the ready to use mix. A hot-start formulation of the included DNA polymerase prevents false amplification during the reaction setup. Our 5X qPCR master mix will function with a wide range of templates including human-, mammal-, and plant-derived samples.
Features:- 5-time concentrate for more variability in primer- and probe volumes- amplification of different targets in a single PCR tube (tested for up to 4 targets).- fast start function due to a hot-start aptamer formulation.- the hot-start formulation of the included DNA polymerase prevents false amplification during the reaction setup- the optimized buffer includes our ultrapure dNTPs
Our new lyophilized Multiplex master mix for fast and easy multiplexing minimizes the need for optimization and makes the development of multiplex PCR assays fast and easy.
Our new 5-fold multiplex mastermix minimizes the need for optimization and therefore makes the development and establishment of multiplex PCR easier and faster.
Read now in our blog why the 5x qPCR Multiplex MasterMix is the optimal choice for your multiplex qPCR.
Our Standard Agarose LE > and especially our high resolution Agarose Tiny > are ideally suited for the subsequent electrophoresis analysis.
Other realtime master mixes for your realtime PCR experiments can be found here >.>
Examples of Multiplex applications: F. Javier Pérez-Pérez and Nancy D. Hanson, Detection of Plasmid-Mediated AmpC β-Lactamase Genes in Clinical Isolates by Using Multiplex PCR, J. Clin. Microbiol. June 2002 vol. 40 no. 6 2153-2162. doi: 10.1128/JCM.40.6.2153-2162.2002.
Tamara B. Souzaa, Diego M. Lozerb, Sônia M. S. Kitagawab, Liliana C. Spanob, Neusa P. Silvac and Isabel C. A. Scaletskya, Real-Time Multiplex PCR Assay and Melting Curve Analysis for Identifying Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli. J. Clin. Microbiol. March 2013 vol. 51 no. 3 1031-1033, doi: 10.1128/JCM.02478-12.
Lyophilized 5x qPCR Multiplex MasterMix
Lyophilized 5X Multiplex PCR Mastermix for robust PCR with all components for rapid, sensitive and reproducible quantification of DNA. The optimized DNA polymerase and an optimized buffer including our ultrapure dNTPs are key components of the ready to use mix. A hot-start formulation of the included DNA polymerase prevents false amplification during the reaction setup. Our 5X qPCR master mix will function with a wide range of templates including human-, mammal-, and plant-derived samples.
Features:- 5-time concentrate for more variability in primer- and probe volumes- amplification of different targets in a single PCR tube (tested for up to 4 targets).- the hot-start formulation of the included DNA polymerase prevents false amplification during the reaction setup- the optimized buffer includes our ultrapure dNTPs
Our new lyophilized Multiplex master mix for fast and easy multiplexing minimizes the need for optimization and makes the development of multiplex PCR assays fast and easy.
Our new 5-fold multiplex mastermix minimizes the need for optimization and therefore makes the development and establishment of multiplex PCR easier and faster.
Read now in our blog why the 5x qPCR Multiplex MasterMix is the optimal choice for your multiplex qPCR.
Our Standard Agarose LE > and especially our high resolution Agarose Tiny > are ideally suited for the subsequent electrophoresis analysis.
Other realtime master mixes for your realtime PCR experiments can be found here >.
Examples of Multiplex applications:F. Javier Pérez-Pérez and Nancy D. Hanson, Detection of Plasmid-Mediated AmpC β-Lactamase Genes in Clinical Isolates by Using Multiplex PCR, J. Clin. Microbiol. June 2002 vol. 40 no. 6 2153-2162. doi: 10.1128/JCM.40.6.2153-2162.2002.
Tamara B. Souzaa, Diego M. Lozerb, Sônia M. S. Kitagawab, Liliana C. Spanob, Neusa P. Silvac and Isabel C. A. Scaletskya, Real-Time Multiplex PCR Assay and Melting Curve Analysis for Identifying Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli. J. Clin. Microbiol. March 2013 vol. 51 no. 3 1031-1033, doi: 10.1128/JCM.02478-12.
Variants from €262.65*
ProbeMasterMix FAST without ROX for qPCR
(20% saved)
ProbeMasterMix FAST without ROX is optimised for fast qPCR assays with probes in block systems. The master mix is optimized for fast PCR with short denaturation 2-step cycles. This 2X Mastermix is ready-to-use and contains all components for a successful and reliable qPCR with the exception of primer and template DNA.
Advantages of the Hotstart Taq polymerase used in the Genaxxon ProbeMasterMix:
Hotstart technology enables setup of PCR mixture at room temperature.
short initial denaturation of not more than 2 minutes.
optimized for 2-step PCR protocols.
No pipetting on ice necessary anymore
No immediate further processing (PCR) necessary. The pipetted pre-PCR mixtures can be left at RT for up to 3 days.
Amplification of GC-rich templates
High yields
No Primer dimers
The Genaxxon Hotstart Taq DNA polymerase offers convenience and practicality, without compromising efficiency or specificity:
1. The hotstart formulation inhibits the polymerase, which prevents false priming at all temperatures tested, allowing for PCR reactions to be set up at RT (20°C to 25°C), and 2. High mix stability allows pre-assemby of the plate in advance", which means PCR reactions can be prepared and stored at RT for up to three days before they are run, without affecting the results.
The Probe qPCR master mix without ROX contains all the necessary components in an optimized composition to carry out quantitative PCR.
hotstart Taq DNA Polymerase
optimized reaction buffer
stabilizers and enhancers to enable even amplification of low copy number targets
the small aliquote size of 1mL simplifies handling and storage (less freeze-thaw cycles per aliquote)
This Mastermix is specially suited for the following instruments: BioRad CFX96 Touch™, CFX384 Touch™, CFX Connect™, DNA Engine Opticon® 2, Chromo4™, iCycler iQ™ and My iQ™ , Roche LightCycler® 480, LightCycler® 1536, LightCycler® Nano, LightCycler® 96 and QuantStudio™ instruments, Thermo Scientific™ PikoReal™, Cepheid SmartCycler®, Bio Molecular Systems Mic qPCR cycler, Qiagen Rotor Gene Q, Rotor Gene 6000, MyGo Mini and MyGo Pro.
Further realtime PCR Mastermixes and realtime FAST PCR Mastermixes can be found here: qPCR (Classic qPCR > or FAST and Multiplex qPCR >).
Variants from €98.88*
GreenMasterMix FAST without ROX for qPCR
(20% saved)
GreenMasterMix FAST without ROX is optimised for fast qPCR assays without probes in block systems. The master mix is optimized for fast PCR with short denaturation 2-step cycles. This 2X Mastermix is ready-to-use and contains all components for a successful and reliable qPCR with the exception of primer and template DNA.
Advantages of the HotStart Taq DNA polymerase used in the Genaxxon GreenMasterMix:
Hotstart technology enables setup of PCR mixture at room temperature.
short initial denaturing time of not more than 2 minutes
No pipetting on ice necessary anymore
No immediate further processing (PCR) necessary. The pipetted pre-PCR mixtures can be left at RT for up to 3 days.
Amplification of GC-rich templates
High yields
No Primer dimers
The Genaxxon SuperHot Taq DNA polymerase offers convenience and practicality, without compromising efficiency or specificity:
1. The chemical modification inhibits the polymerase, which prevents false priming at all temperatures tested, allowing for PCR reactions to be set up at RT (20°C to 25°C), and 2. "High mix stability allows pre-assemby of the plate in advance", which means PCR reactions can be prepared and stored at RT for up to three days before they are run, without affecting the results.
The Green qPCR master mix without ROX contains all the necessary components in an optimized composition to carry out quantitative PCR:
chemically modified Taq DNA Polymerase
intercalating green fluorescent dye
optimized reaction buffer
stabilizers and enhancers to enable even amplification of low copy number targets
the small aliquote size of 1.25mL simplifies handling and storage (less freeze-thaw cycles per aliquote)
Stability at +2°C to +8°C (refrigerator): minimum of 8 months.
This Mastermix is specially suited for the following instruments: BioRad CFX96 Touch™, CFX384 Touch™, CFX Connect™, DNA Engine Opticon® 2, Chromo4™, iCycler iQ™ and My iQ™ , Roche LightCycler® 480, LightCycler® 1536, LightCycler® Nano, LightCycler® 96 and QuantStudio™ instruments, Thermo Scientific™ PikoReal™, Cepheid SmartCycler®, Bio Molecular Systems Mic qPCR cycler, Qiagen Rotor Gene Q, Rotor Gene 6000, MyGo Mini and MyGo Pro.
Further realtime PCR Mastermixes and realtime FAST PCR Mastermixes can be found here: qPCR (Classic qPCR > or FAST and Multiplex qPCR >).
Variants from €98.88*
ProbeMasterMix FAST with 50nM ROX for qPCR
(20% saved)
ProbeMasterMix FAST with 50nM ROX is optimised for fast qPCR assays with probes in block systems. The master mix is optimized for fast qPCR with short denaturation 2-step cycles. This 2X Mastermix is ready-to-use and contains all components for a successful and reliable qPCR with the exception of primer and template DNA
Advantages of the Hotstart Taq polymerase used in the Genaxxon ProbeMasterMix:
Hotstart technology enables setup of PCR mixture at room temperature.
short initial denaturation of not more than 2 minutes.
optimized for 2-step PCR protocols.
No pipetting on ice necessary anymore
No immediate further processing (PCR) necessary. The pipetted pre-PCR mixtures can be left at RT for up to 3 days.
Amplification of GC-rich templates
High yields
No Primer dimers
The Genaxxon Hotstart Taq DNA polymerase offers convenience and practicality, without compromising efficiency or specificity:
1. The hotstart formulation inhibits the polymerase, which prevents false priming at all temperatures tested, allowing for PCR reactions to be set up at RT (20°C to 25°C), and 2. High mix stability allows pre-assemby of the plate in advance", which means PCR reactions can be prepared and stored at RT for up to three days before they are run, without affecting the results.
The Probe qPCR master mix with 50nM ROX contains all the necessary components in an optimized composition to carry out quantitative PCR.
hotstart Taq DNA Polymerase
optimized reaction buffer
50nM ROX as internal passive reference
stabilizers and enhancers to enable even amplification of low copy number targets
the small aliquote size of 1.25mL simplifies handling and storage (less freeze-thaw cycles per aliquote)
This Mastermix is specially suited for the following instruments: Applied Biosystems® 7500, 7500 Fast and ViiA™ 7, QuantStudio™ instruments, Agilent Mx3000P™, Mx3005P™, Mx4000™ and AriaMx.
Further realtime PCR Mastermixes and realtime FAST PCR Mastermixes can be found here: qPCR (Classic qPCR > or FAST and Multiplex qPCR >).
Variants from €61.80*
GreenMasterMix FAST Low ROX für die qPCR
(20% saved)
GreenMasterMix FAST with 50nM ROX is optimised for realtime PCR assays in block systems. This 2X Mastermix is ready-to-use and contains all components for a successful and reliable qPCR with the exception of primer and template DNA.
Advantages of the HotStart Taq DNA polymerase used in the Genaxxon GreenMasterMix:
Hotstart technology enables setup of PCR mixture at room temperature.
short initial denaturing time of not more than 2 minutes
No pipetting on ice necessary anymore
No immediate further processing (PCR) necessary. The pipetted pre-PCR mixtures can be left at RT for up to 3 days.
Amplification of GC-rich templates
High yields
No Primer dimers
The Genaxxon SuperHot Taq DNA polymerase offers convenience and practicality, without compromising efficiency or specificity:
1. The chemical modification inhibits the polymerase, which prevents false priming at all temperatures tested, allowing for PCR reactions to be set up at RT (20°C to 25°C), and 2. "High mix stability allows pre-assemby of the plate in advance", which means PCR reactions can be prepared and stored at RT for up to three days before they are run, without affecting the results.
The Green qPCR master mix with 50nM ROX contains all the necessary components in an optimized composition to carry out quantitative PCR:
chemically modified Taq DNA Polymerase
intercalating green fluorescent dye
optimized reaction buffer
stabilizers and enhancers to enable even amplification of low copy number targets
50nM internal passive reference fluorescence dye
the small aliquote size of 1.25mL simplifies handling and storage (less freeze-thaw cycles per aliquote)
This Mastermix is specially suited for the following instruments: Applied Biosystems® 7500, 7500 Fast and ViiA™ 7, QuantStudio™ instruments, Agilent Mx3000P™, Mx3005P™, Mx4000™ and AriaMx.
Other realtime PCR master mixes from Genaxxon are: M3023 - GreenMastermix No ROX >, M3045 - ProbeMastermix No ROX >, M3011 - GreenMastermix Low ROX >, M3031 - ProbeMastermix Low ROX >, M3052 - GreenMastermix High ROX >, M3010 - ProbeMastermix High ROX >.
Variants from €123.60*
ProbeMasterMix FAST with 500nM ROX for qPCR
ProbeMasterMix FAST with 500nM ROX optimised for fast realtime PCR assays in block systems. This master mix is ready-to-use and contains all components for a successful and reliable quantitative PCR with the exception of primer and template DNA.
Advantages of the Hotstart Taq polymerase used in the Genaxxon ProbeMasterMix:
Hotstart technology enables setup of PCR mixture at room temperature.
short initial denaturation of not more than 2 minutes.
optimized for 2-step PCR protocols.
No pipetting on ice necessary anymore
No immediate further processing (PCR) necessary. The pipetted pre-PCR mixtures can be left at RT for up to 3 days.
Amplification of GC-rich templates
High yields
No Primer dimers
The Genaxxon Hotstart Taq DNA polymerase offers convenience and practicality, without compromising efficiency or specificity:
1. The hotstart formulation inhibits the polymerase, which prevents false priming at all temperatures tested, allowing for PCR reactions to be set up at RT (20°C to 25°C), and 2. High mix stability allows pre-assemby of the plate in advance", which means PCR reactions can be prepared and stored at RT for up to three days before they are run, without affecting the results.
The Probe qPCR master mix with 500nM ROX contains all the necessary components in an optimized composition to carry out quantitative PCR.
hotstart Taq DNA Polymerase
optimized reaction buffer
500nM ROX as internal reference
stabilizers and enhancers to enable even amplification of low copy number targets
the small aliquote size of 1.25mL simplifies handling and storage (less freeze-thaw cycles per aliquote)
This Mastermix is specially suited for the following instruments: Applied Biosystems® 5700, 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900, 7900 HT, Eppendorf Realplex4, StepOne™ and StepOnePlus™.
Further realtime PCR Mastermixes and realtime FAST PCR Mastermixes can be found here: qPCR (Classic qPCR > or FAST and Multiplex qPCR >).
Variants from €123.60*
GreenMasterMix FAST with 500nM ROX for qPCR
(20% saved)
GreenMasterMix FAST with 500nM ROX is optimised for realtime PCR assays in block systems. This 2X Mastermix is ready-to-use and contains all components for a successful and reliable qPCR with the exception of primer and template DNA.
Advantages of the HotStart Taq DNA polymerase used in the Genaxxon GreenMasterMix:
Hotstart technology enables setup of PCR mixture at room temperature.
short initial denaturing time of not more than 2 minutes
No pipetting on ice necessary anymore
No immediate further processing (PCR) necessary. The pipetted pre-PCR mixtures can be left at RT for up to 3 days.
Amplification of GC-rich templates
High yields
No Primer dimers
The Genaxxon SuperHot Taq DNA polymerase offers convenience and practicality, without compromising efficiency or specificity:
1. The chemical modification inhibits the polymerase, which prevents false priming at all temperatures tested, allowing for PCR reactions to be set up at RT (20°C to 25°C), and 2. "High mix stability allows pre-assemby of the plate in advance", which means PCR reactions can be prepared and stored at RT for up to three days before they are run, without affecting the results.
The Green qPCR master mix with 500nM ROX contains all the necessary components in an optimized composition to carry out quantitative PCR:
chemically modified Taq DNA Polymerase
intercalating green fluorescent dye
optimized reaction buffer
stabilizers and enhancers to enable even amplification of low copy number targets
the small aliquote size of 1.25mL simplifies handling and storage (less freeze-thaw cycles per aliquote)
This Mastermix is specially suited for the following instruments: Applied Biosystems® 5700, 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900, 7900 HT, Eppendorf Realplex4, StepOne™ and StepOnePlus™.
Further realtime PCR Mastermixes and realtime FAST PCR Mastermixes can be found here: qPCR (Classic qPCR > or FAST and Multiplex qPCR >).
Variants from €123.60*
GreenMasterMix FAST Blue High ROX for qPCR
GreenMasterMix FAST Blue with 500nM ROX is optimised for realtime PCR assays in block systems. This 2X Mastermix is ready-to-use and contains all components for a successful and reliable qPCR with the exception of primer and template DNA.
Advantages of the HotStart Taq DNA polymerase used in the Genaxxon GreenMasterMix:
Hotstart technology enables setup of PCR mixture at room temperature.
short initial denaturing time of not more than 2 minutes
No pipetting on ice necessary anymore
No immediate further processing (PCR) necessary. The pipetted pre-PCR mixtures can be left at RT for up to 3 days.
Amplification of GC-rich templates
High yields
No Primer dimers
The Genaxxon SuperHot Taq DNA polymerase offers convenience and practicality, without compromising efficiency or specificity:
1. The chemical modification inhibits the polymerase, which prevents false priming at all temperatures tested, allowing for PCR reactions to be set up at RT (20°C to 25°C), and 2. "High mix stability allows pre-assemby of the plate in advance", which means PCR reactions can be prepared and stored at RT for up to three days before they are run, without affecting the results.
The Green qPCR master mix Blue with 500nM ROX contains all the necessary components in an optimized composition to carry out quantitative PCR:
chemically modified Taq DNA Polymerase
intercalating green fluorescent dye
optimized reaction buffer
stabilizers and enhancers to enable even amplification of low copy number targets
the small aliquote size of 1.25mL simplifies handling and storage (less freeze-thaw cycles per aliquote)
This Mastermix is specially suited for the following instruments: Applied Biosystems® 5700, 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900, 7900 HT, Eppendorf Realplex4, StepOne™ and StepOnePlus™.
Other realtime PCR master mixes from Genaxxon are: M3023 - GreenMastermix No ROX >, M3045 - ProbeMastermix No ROX >, M3011 - GreenMastermix Low ROX >, M3031 - ProbeMastermix Low ROX >, M3052 - GreenMastermix High ROX >, M3010 - ProbeMastermix High ROX >.