Agaroses – A Solution for Every Application from GENAXXON!
Find the perfect agarose for your applications – clearly explained and with practical tips!
Optimizing SNP Analysis with Aptamer-Based Inhibited DNA Polymerases: Key Tips for Successful PCR
Genaxxon offers aptamer-inhibited DNA polymerases, ideal for SNP analysis. These selective enzymes are tailored for precise PCR tests and mutation detection—perfect for "finding the needle in the haystack."
Exosomes: Intimate Mail to Cells
Exosomes: powerful nanoparticles in intercellular communication
Exploring the Versatility of Genaxxon’s L-Fucose: A Vital Monosaccharide
Discover the multifaceted applications of L-Fucose (6-Deoxy-L-galactose), a unique and essential monosaccharide.
Community Corner: Exploring the Versatile World of Blue Dextran from our partner TdB Labs
Explore TdB Labs' exceptional Blue Dextran products featuring molecular weights ranging from 5 kDa to 2000 kDa.
qPCR FAST and Furious: Turbo charge your qPCR applications
Since the introduction of FAST qPCR, the world of real-time PCR/qPCR has entered a revolutionary era.
qPCR optimization in focus: tips and tricks for excellent analyses
Real-time PCR (qPCR) is undoubtedly an impressive method for measuring the amplification of target DNA in real time.
Hot-Start PCR: Higher specificity, higher yield, higher sensitivity
Problems with non-specific bands after your PCR?
Enlightenment for your PCR: how to simplify your workflow and light up your PCR with Genaxxon’s new product line "SimplyEnlight PCR"
PCR: the goal is clear: to make it better, faster, cheaper, and easier.
3 reasons why you should use the novel Taq DNA polymerase in Genaxxon’s 5X qPCR Multiplex MasterMix for multiplex qPCRs
Do you currently use multiplex qPCR? Do you value the multiplex qPCR method's savings in costs, time, and errors?
4 reasons why you should use the Red MasterMix from Genaxxon for your PCR
Have you been interrupted while pipetting and forget which well you have already pipetted into?
How to save money using SafeGel from Genaxxon as DNA staining dye for gel electrophoresis
Everything seemed to be easier in the past. At least that’s true when it comes to staining DNA in agarose gels.
Proofreading Polymerases and Master Mixes - Achieve Results Quickly and Accurately with GENAXXON
High Fidelity Proofreading DNA Polymerases offer high amplification rates combined with exceptional accuracy
RT-PCR: Eine Geschichte der Entfaltung der Genregulation
Die Popularität der RT-PCR oder Reversen Transkriptions-PCR ist im Zuge der Coronavirus-Pandemie enorm gewachsen.
Zeitlicher Verlauf einer Corona Infektion und der dabei auftretenden SARS-CoV-2 Viruslast
Zeitlicher Verlauf einer Corona Infektion und der dabei auftretenden SARS-CoV-2 Viruslast
SNP genotyping and its applications
Progress in the field of SNP genotyping and its applications, from the perspective of plant breeding and agriculture
One step and Two step RT-PCR
We now have a faster RT-PCR version where both steps are combined into one.
Why is next generation sequencing called so?
Sanger sequencing technology was the first generation of sequencing and helped provide basic knowledge
RNA extraction for detection and analysis of viral RNA with RT-PCR - a comparison of different extraction methods
Effective Extraction and Isolation of Viral RNA for Accurate Virus Detection
RT-qPCR analysis of non-protein-coding RNA biomarker expression
RT-qPCR analysis of non-protein-coding RNA biomarker expression
Mit genetischer Modifikation gegen die Klassische Schweinepest: Schwein gehabt?
Wissenschaftlern ist es gelungen, Schweine genetisch so zu verändern, dass sie gegen KSP-Virus resistent sind
Ergebnisse der Kundenzufriedenheitsumfrage 2018
Wir bedanken uns bei unseren Kunden recht herzlich für die große Resonanz bei der Beantwortung unserer Umfrage
From the vine to the table: Shaping the phenotype of wine using molecular genetic technology
Wine production, while considered an art form, owes an increasing debt to the latest molecular genetic technologies.
Proteins - Peptides - Amino acids: What are the differences
What are the differences between proteins, peptides and amino acids?
Influence of ROX on the Ct value
Why is ROX used as a passive reference dye in real-time PCR?
Überprüfung und Kontrolle von Indels mit SNP Pol DNA-Polymerase
Indels beschreiben Mutationen, die durch Deletion oder Insertion von Nukleotiden entstanden sind
Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung bei Genaxxon
Wir von Genaxxon bioscience sind uns unserer unternehmerischen Verantwortung bewusst.
Fast-PCR: Zusammenspiel von Geräten, Plastikware, Reagenzien und Methodik
Die Standard-PCR-Amplifikation erforderte früher oft eine aufwendige DNA-Extraktion, Reinigung, Verarbeitung und Probenaufbereitung.
For better taste and flavor - Use SNP PolTaq for the unambiguous identification of point mutations, such as in Sake!
SNP PolTaq for qPCR for the unambiguous identification of point mutations in yeast!
Optimization of Annealing Temperature and other PCR Parameters
There are many different suppliers and systems for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Genaxxon is TÜV certified according to ISO 9001: 2015!
We are proud to inform you that Genaxxon bioscience has been successfully certified according TÜV ISO 9001: 2015!
SNP - Allele Specific Discrimination
SNPs (spell snips) have been identified in all genomes and can be used for a multitude of analyses.