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dNTPs - Nucleotides - dNTPs - Nucleotides
Genaxxon bioscience’s dNTPs are highly stable, highly pure (>99%, RP-HPLC) nucleoside triphosphates with no detectable bacterial/human DNA, DNases, RNases, nicking activity or proteases. They are available in liquid form as dNTP-Set (100mM) > or dNTP-Mix (10mM > and 2mM >), as powder or in modified versions, e.g. Biotin-11-dUTP >.
Our highly pure dNTPs can be used in all demanding molecular biology applications including PCR, real-time PCR, high fidelity PCR, long PCR, cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR, RT-qPCR >, RDA, MDA, DNA labeling and DNA sequencing.
dNTP-Set (Na salt) - 100mM
amount of substance:
4 x 100 µmol
Highly pure, HPLC purified (>99%) dNTPs packaged as 4 separate 100mM solutions of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP for qPCR, RT-PCR, standard PCR, and Klenow reactions. Genaxxon’s dNTP solutions have been optimized for use in DNA amplification and other related methods. Genaxxon dNTPs contain no measurable bacterial or human DNA. For long term storage and/or for repeated use, our recommendation is to aliquot the stock solutions.
Solutions of dNTP sodium salts (dATP, dCTP, dGTP und dTTP)
Concentration: 100 mM each nucleotide
Please have also a look on our broad range of nucleotides > especially the dNTP mixes with 2 mM > or 10 mM > or the modified nucleotides, e.g. Biotin-11-dUTP >.
You can get additional products for your successful PCR as our Taq DNA Polymerse (M3001) >, or our proof-reading polymerases Pfu (M3004) >, Pwo (M3002) > and ReproFast (M3003) >, as well as the ready-to-use RedMastermix (M3029) >, already including dNTPs.
Variants from €33.25*
Variants from €33.25*
Variants from €33.25*
Variants from €33.25*
Variants from €33.25*
dNTP Mix (Na salt) - 10mM
1 mL
Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix as an equimolar solution of ultrapure, HPLC purified (>99%) dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP for qPCR, RT-PCR, standard PCR, and Klenow reactions. The Genaxxon dNTP solutions are optimized for use in DNA amplification and other related methods.
The Genaxxon dNTPs and dNTP-mixes contain no measurable bacterial or human DNA. For long term storage and/or for repeated use we do recommend to aliquot the stock solutions.
Mixture of dNTP sodium salts (dATP, dCTP, dGTP und dTTP)
Concentration: 10 mM each nucleotide
Please have also a look on our broad range of nucleotides > especially the dNTP mix with 2 mM dNTP mix > our dNTP set > modified nucleotides, e.g. Biotin-11-dUTP >. You can get additional products for your successful PCR as our Taq DNA Polymerse (M3001) >, or our proof-reading polymerases Pfu (M3004) >, Pwo (M3002) > and ReproFast (M3003) >, as well as the ready-to-use RedMastermix (M3029) >, already including dNTPs.
Variants from €12.00*
ready to use PCR dNTP-Mix (Na-salt) - 2 mM
5 mL
Highly pure, HPLC purified dNTPs (>99%) delivered as a 2 mM solution of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP for use in qPCR, standard PCR, RT-PCR and Klenow reactions. Use 5 µL of Mix for PCR in 50µL reaction volume.The Genaxxon dNTP mix is optimized for its use in DNA polymerisation and related methods. Our dNTPs contain no measurable bacterial or human DNA. For storage for a prolonged periode of time we recommend to prepare small aliquots, especially in case of rare use.
Mixture of dNTP sodium salt solutions (dATP, dCTP, dGTP und dTTP)
Concentration: 2 mM of ach nucleotide
Please have also a look on our broad range of nucleotides > especially the dNTP mix with 10 mM dNTP mix > our dNTP set > modified nucleotides, e.g. Biotin-11-dUTP >. You can get additional products for your successful PCR as our Taq DNA Polymerse (M3001) >, or our proof-reading polymerases Pfu (M3004) >, Pwo (M3002) > and ReproFast (M3003) >, as well as the ready-to-use RedMastermix (M3029) >, already including dNTPs.
Variants from €25.00*
Biotin-11-dUTP Solution, min. 96% (1mM)
Biotin-11-dUTP (Biotin-11-2'-deoxyuridin-5'-triphosphat - Tetralithiumsalt) is a commonly used component for non-radioactive labelling of DNA. Biotin-11-dUTP can be incorporated into DNA enzymatically by Nick-Translation, random-priming, 3'-end terminal labelling or by PCR. The figure '11' stands for the number of carbon atoms of the linker between dUTP and Biotin. The longer the 'linker-chain' the better the interaction between Biotin and Avidin. The shorter the linker the better the incorporation of dUTP into DNA. '11' has been shown to be a good compromise for most applications. The product Biotin-11-dUTP for non-radioactive labelling of DNA is delivered as 1 mM solution in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH7.5), 1 mM EDTA.
Biotin-11-dUTP can be enzymatically incorporated into DNA with Taq DNA Polymerase >, phi29 DNA Polymerase, Klenow Fragment, and DNA Polymerase I.
Besides Biotin-11-dUTP Genaxxon offers other modified nucleotides or non modified dNTPs as our PCR dNTP-Mix> with 2 mM > or 10 mM > respective our dNTP-Set 100mM >.
You can get additional products for your successful PCR as our Taq DNA Polymerse (M3001) >, or our proof-reading polymerases Pfu (M3004) >, Pwo (M3002) > and ReproFast (M3003) >, as well as the ready-to-use RedMastermix (M3029) >, already including dNTPs and a red dye.
dATP (2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate) solution - 100 mM
1 mL
Highly pure, HPLC purified 2'-Deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate (dATP >99%) delivered as 100 mM soution for use in qPCR, standard PCR, RT-PCR and Klenow reactions.
The Genaxxon dNTP solutions are optimized for their use in DNA polymerisation and related methods. Our dNTPs contain no measurable bacterial or human DNA. For storage for a prolonged periode of time we recommend to prepare small aliquots, especially in case of rare use.
Sodium salt solutions of the 4 nucleotides: dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP
Concentration: 100 mM of each nucleotide
Genaxxon offers also PCR dNTP-Mix 10 mM >, unser dNTP-Set as 4 x 100 mM solution > or modified nucleotides as Biotin-11-dUTP >.
For your successful PCR you will find different enzymes or PCR master mixes: Taq DNA Polymerse (M3001) >, Proof-Reading Polymerases Pfu (M3004) >, Pwo (M3002) > and ReproFast (M3003) >, as well as our ready-to-use RedMastermix (M3029) >, containing dNTPs already.
Variants from €45.00*
Variants from €45.00*
dCTP solution - 100mM
100mM solution of 2'-Deoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate (dCTP) of purity >99%. Product has been tested for PCR products of length up to 10kb.
Highly pure, HPLC purified Deoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate, tetrasodium salt (dCTP / >99%) delivered as 100 mM soution for use in qPCR, standard PCR, RT-PCR and Klenow reactions.
The Genaxxon dNTP solutions are optimized for their use in DNA polymerisation and related methods. Our dNTPs contain no measurable bacterial or human DNA. For storage for a prolonged periode of time we recommend to prepare small aliquots, especially in case of rare use.
Sodium salt solutions of the 4 nucleotides: dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP
Concentration: 100 mM of each nucleotide
Genaxxon offers also PCR dNTP-Mix 10 mM >, unser dNTP-Set as 4 x 100 mM solution > or modified nucleotides as Biotin-11-dUTP >.
For your successful PCR you will find different enzymes or PCR master mixes: Taq DNA Polymerse (M3001) >, Proof-Reading Polymerases Pfu (M3004) >, Pwo (M3002) > and ReproFast (M3003) >, as well as our ready-to-use RedMastermix (M3029) >, containing dNTPs already.
dGTP (2'-Deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate) solution - 100mM
1 mL
Highly pure, HPLC purified 2'-Deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate (dGTP / >99%) delivered as 100 mM soution for use in qPCR, standard PCR, RT-PCR and Klenow reactions.
The Genaxxon dNTP solutions are optimized for their use in DNA polymerisation and related methods. Our dNTPs contain no measurable bacterial or human DNA. For storage for a prolonged periode of time we recommend to prepare small aliquots, especially in case of rare use.
Sodium salt solutions of the 4 nucleotides: dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP
Concentration: 100 mM of each nucleotide
Genaxxon offers also PCR dNTP-Mix 10 mM >, unser dNTP-Set as 4 x 100 mM solution > or modified nucleotides as Biotin-11-dUTP >.
For your successful PCR you will find different enzymes or PCR master mixes: Taq DNA Polymerse (M3001) >, Proof-Reading Polymerases Pfu (M3004) >, Pwo (M3002) > and ReproFast (M3003) >, as well as our ready-to-use RedMastermix (M3029) >, containing dNTPs already.
Variants from €45.00*
Variants from €45.00*
dTTP (2'-Deoxythymidine 5'-triphosphate) solution - 100mM
Highly pure, HPLC purified 2'-Deoxythymidine 5'-triphosphate (dTTP / >99%) delivered as 100 mM soution for use in qPCR, standard PCR, RT-PCR and Klenow reactions.
The Genaxxon dNTP solutions are optimized for their use in DNA polymerisation and related methods. Our dNTPs contain no measurable bacterial or human DNA. For storage for a prolonged periode of time we recommend to prepare small aliquots, especially in case of rare use.
Sodium salt solutions of the 4 nucleotides: dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP
Concentration: 100 mM of each nucleotide
Genaxxon offers also PCR dNTP-Mix 10 mM >, unser dNTP-Set as 4 x 100 mM solution > or modified nucleotides as Biotin-11-dUTP >.
For your successful PCR you will find different enzymes or PCR master mixes: Taq DNA Polymerse (M3001) >, Proof-Reading Polymerases Pfu (M3004) >, Pwo (M3002) > and ReproFast (M3003) >, as well as our ready-to-use RedMastermix (M3029) >, containing dNTPs already.
Variants from €45.00*
dUTP solution 100mM
Deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate, tetrasodium salt (dUTP) of purity >99% (HPLC). dUTP may be used in place of dTTP in PCR and RT-PCR protocols to prevent carryover from previous amplifications. Product has been tested for PCR products of length up to 8kb (Taq DNA polymerase) and 0.8kb (Pfu DNA polymerase). The substitution of dTTP for dUTP in PCR results in uracil-containing PCR products that are suitable for most standard applications. The enzyme Uracil-DNA-Glycosylase, UDG >, can be added to a PCR premix to excise uracil from any contaminating PCR product, thereby preventing false positives.
Genaxxon offers also PCR dNTP-Mix 10 mM >, unser dNTP-Set as 4 x 100 mM solution > or modified nucleotides as Biotin-11-dUTP >.
For your successful PCR you will find different enzymes or PCR master mixes: Taq DNA Polymerse (M3001) >, Proof-Reading Polymerases Pfu (M3004) >, Pwo (M3002) > and ReproFast (M3003) >, as well as our ready-to-use RedMastermix (M3029) >, containing dNTPs already.
2',3'- Dideoxyadenosine-5'-O-triphosphate (ddATP)
2',3'-Dideoxyadenosine-5'-O-triphosphate (ddATP) sodium salt of purity >95% HPLC. For other salt forms or a guaranteed higher purity please inquire.
2',3'-Dideoxyadenosine-5'-Triphosphate (ddATP) is a modified nucleoside triphosphate, where the 2' and 3' hydroxyl groups are absent, resulting in chain termination while PCR. The inability of polymerases to extend from a dideoxy nucleotide causes the chain termination and is widely useful in antiviral research and in a variety of biotechnology applications. ddATP is used in cycle sequencing, enzyme mechanistic studies and for producing RNA and DNA sequences that cannot be extended by polymerases or joined by DNA ligases.
Another notable application that utilizes a primer terminated on the 3′ end with a dideoxy modification is pyrophosphorolysis-activated polymerization (PAP). This technique is valuable for the detection of rare mutations.
Reference: Sanger et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 74, 5463 - 5467 (1977).
ddATP is an analogue of cyditine triphosphate (ATP) where both ribose hydroxy groups have been removed and replaced by hydrogen.
Variants from €297.47*
2',3'- Dideoxycytidine-5'-O-triphosphate (ddCTP)
2',3'-Dideoxycytidine-5'-O-triphosphate (ddCTP) sodium salt of purity >95% HPLC. For other salt forms or a guaranteed higher purity please inquire.
2',3'-Dideoxycytidine-5'-Triphosphate (ddCTP) is a modified nucleoside triphosphate, where the 2' and 3' hydroxyl groups are absent, resulting in chain termination. The inability of polymerases to extend from a dideoxy nucleotide causes the chain termination while PCR and is widely useful in antiviral research and in a variety of biotechnology applications. ddCTP is used in cycle sequencing, enzyme mechanistic studies and for producing RNA and DNA sequences that cannot be extended by polymerases or joined by DNA ligases.
Another notable application that utilizes a primer terminated on the 3′ end with a dideoxy modification is pyrophosphorolysis-activated polymerization (PAP). This technique is valuable for the detection of rare mutations.
Reference: Sanger et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 74, 5463 - 5467 (1977).
ddCTP is an analogue of cyditine triphosphate (CTP) where both ribose hydroxy groups have been removed and replaced by hydrogen.
Variants from €297.47*
2',3'- Dideoxyguanosine-5'-O-triphosphate (ddGTP)
2',3'-Dideoxyguanosine-5'-O-triphosphate (ddGTP) sodium salt of purity >95% HPLC. For other salt forms or a guaranteed higher purity please inquire.
2',3'-Dideoxyguanosine-5'-triphosphate (ddGTP) is a modified nucleoside triphosphate, where the 2' and 3' hydroxyl groups are absent, resulting in chain termination. The inability of polymerases to extend from a dideoxy nucleotide causes the chain termination while PCR and is widely useful in antiviral research and in a variety of biotechnology applications. ddGTP is used in cycle sequencing, enzyme mechanistic studies and for producing RNA and DNA sequences that cannot be extended by polymerases or joined by DNA ligases.
Another notable application that utilizes a primer terminated on the 3′ end with a dideoxy modification is pyrophosphorolysis-activated polymerization (PAP). This technique is valuable for the detection of rare mutations.
Reference: Sanger et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 74, 5463 - 5467 (1977).
ddGTP is an analogue of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) where both ribose hydroxy groups have been removed and replaced by hydrogen.
Variants from €297.47*
2',3'-Dideoxythymidine-5'-O-triphosphate (ddTTP) - 10mM solution
3'-Deoxythymidine-5'-O-triphosphate (2',3'-Dideoxythymidine-5'-O-triphosphate) (dTTP/ddTTP) sodium salt of purity >95% HPLC. For other salt forms or a guaranteed higher purity please inquire. Note: Since “thymidine“ already describes a 2'- deoxy nucleosides, the term “2'-deoxythymidine“ is redundant.
3'-Deoxythymidine-5'-O-triphosphate (dTTP/ddTTP) is a modified nucleoside triphosphate, where the 2' and 3' hydroxyl groups are absent, resulting in chain termination. The inability of polymerases to extend from a dideoxy nucleotide causes the chain termination while PCR and is widely useful in antiviral research and in a variety of biotechnology applications. dTTP/ddTTP is used in cycle sequencing, enzyme mechanistic studies and for producing RNA and DNA sequences that cannot be extended by polymerases or joined by DNA ligases.
Another notable application that utilizes a primer terminated on the 3′ end with a dideoxy modification is pyrophosphorolysis-activated polymerization (PAP). This technique is valuable for the detection of rare mutations.
Reference: Sanger et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 74, 5463 - 5467 (1977).
dTTP/ddTTP is an analogue of thymidine triphosphate (TTP) where both ribose hydroxy groups have been removed and replaced by hydrogen.
Amount and packaging:The product is delivered as 500µL of a10mM solution, pH7.6 (500µL correspond to 5µmol (appr. 2.3mg)).